Fish Compatibility Combination Queries


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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I just wanted to know whether oscar cichlids and freshwater stingrays can be kept together in the same tank. To my knowledge these can both be kept together, but I am not sure if it is suitable as oscars create a large amount of excretion and this can lead to bad water quality quickly, and stingrays require near optimum condition at all times.

Second question, is a black shark compatible with a freshwater stingray?

Thanks in Advance,
Merry Christmas btw, :santa:
I don't think I'd keep an oscar and freshwater ray together. As you say, oscars are very messy fish. That, in addition to the potential aggression issues, would make me stay on the side of caution, especially with a ray, which can be awfully expensive.

Same goes for the black shark. Are you aware that black sharks reach ~20" in length? Or were you talking about a red tailed black shark?
an Oscar and Stingray would work if you kept up on maintenance (sp)

CFC on here keeps the p. motoro stingray in a large tank with several messy fish inlcuding, serums, an oscar, pims and plenty more. I'm not sure what his duties are on the tank but I'm sure he'd let you in on the secret!!

Here's his profile with the stock list....
Yeah, I guess it could be alright as long as maintenance is adhered to. I would rather have a black shark though, however if aggression is really an issue, then I suppose I should steer clear.

Same goes for the black shark. Are you aware that black sharks reach ~20" in length? Or were you talking about a red tailed black shark?

Yes, I've done a lot of research on the black shark, and I am indeed talking about the 20 inch plus Black Shark (Labeo chrysophekadion).

Like CFC has, I prefer not to jump into a huge tank with several large fish with a high maintenance requirement. I mean, I know how much care stingrays need, and I am sure I can keep up with the maintenance, but just not a large community, perhaps just a stingray and a black shark. Maybe some balas can be thrown in if possible.

So anymore help on if a black shark and a stingray can go together? :thumbs:
I keep black sharks and sorry to say Elzor that they are far to agressive for a ray, mine has killed my Jaguar, Trimac and other cichlids and catfish's. It is a shame really a black shark and a ray in the same tank would look good, but i wouldnt risk it.
I recently read a site and people have actually kept angels and black sharks together! Yet others say it killed several fish larger than them (i.e. oscars, cichlids, other large fish). These seem to be very unpredictable fish.

It depends really, if rays are cheap here (usually never are :/ ) then I might, and only might, take the risk. I mean, Seeing those two fish together would look so nice IMO.

Thanks for help as of yet, any tips are still great;y appreciated. :)

Edit: Btw, heres the site that says some of that.

Black Sharks
Black sharks and rays are a real no no, like plecs black sharks and other related species will suck on the slime coating of rays and do them serious damage which is often fatal.

Whether or not you can keep Cichlids like Oscars with rays depends on the size of the tank and the species of ray. I wouldnt attempt to keep any species of ray with Cichlids in a tank under 200 gallons due to waste issues like already mentioned. Also i would only attempt the ray/Cichlid combination with a hardier species of ray like P.motoro or P.leopoldi which can tolerate nitrates in the water more than other species (nitrates still must not rise above 40ppm).

To keep my very unusual combination of fish together i have to do 50% water changes twice a week and will sometimes do a "small" 50 gallon water change inbetween if i have some spare time on my hands. I also use a nitrate adsorbing media in my filters and only feed the fish in that tank twice a week to prevent pollution from building up too quickly.
sorry to hijack Eelzor, how do you do your water changes and cleaning CFC, I'm thinking of pumping it straight out the window? Do you have a home made vacuum to get to those hard to reach places!???

That last reply CFC has really put me off a ray in the future for my tank how can u keep up with those water changes and on all your other tanks :blink:

What size tank have you got Eelzor by the way?
paul_v_biker said:
What size tank have you got Eelzor by the way?
I am currently in the concept stage, so I haven't got a large tank just yet, however I'm thinking about a 200 Gallon.

Black Sharks seem to be too aggressive, and oscars seem to be too messy so how would bala sharks go?
With rays? I'm thinking very well and in that size tank you could have a proper shoal of them.

Try to get a tank thats slightly wider rather than long and skiny!!

And on that size tank you will need to think about drilling it for a sump or running a coupleof externals on it.

CFC runs 2 big ehiems i think, my tank came with a sump.
Actually i run 3 big Eheims (classic 2217s) on my big tank to give me a turnover of 3000 litres a hour and a media volume of around 6 gallons. I also run two aquaclear powerheads wity floss cartridges to mechanically remove debry and these are washed in tap water daily.

I do my water changes by syphoning the water off into three 25 litre barrels and then pouring them down the loo, i used to use a hose out of the window until i had a accident that soaked the livingroom carpet and it had to stop. All i use to do the water changes is a length of hose, i find gravel vacs lose a lot of suction and so dont do a really good job of getting the dirt up off the bottom.
Yeah I'ved been using tubing for my sand tanks, was thinking it'd a bit fidily if you can't reach the end.

the maths don't work out there?? you said 2 50% per week yet 75 litres is about 15% of your tank :S
I dont just change 3 barrels :lol: i just use the barrles because they are about the largest vessels that i can easily lift without killing myself. I keep filling and emptying the barrels in a production line like style until i have removed 15 barrels of water (375 litres). I then refill the tank using a garden hose connected to the tap adding boiling water and stress coat as i go
Sorry just the way you said it.

Surely such big water changes like that are worse?Changing the chemistry constantly? I'm planning on doing 20% ish weekly's.
I'm yet to get hold of some big barrels we have a 25litre 1 at work but can't find any in the shops.
I am actually taking in info from your whole water changing scheme CFC and I still am quite positive I can keep under 40ppm easily. My original 50 Gallon Tank (See sig) is always kept under 5ppm, so I see no problem in giving the ray tank a try even if it is a much bigger tank.

How big a tank would I need for housing One Red Oscar and One Motoro Ray alone?

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