Fish Compatability


New Member
Feb 23, 2006
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Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Right now I have a 20 U.S. Gallon tank and it has 3 gold gourami's(which im' taking back to the lfs), 3 pearl gourami's, and 1 small plec (around 4 inches). I want to keep the pearl gourami's, but the rest of the fish were given to me. I know the plec will grow too big, and there are too many gourami's in there now. I also don't like the golds as they pick on the pearls. So my question is, if i take everything out except the pearls, can i get neon tetras and ottos to go in the tank? Also if that's alright how many of each should I get? Thanks in advance! -Jones

P.S. The tank has sand as the substrate, is well planted, and has been set up since the end of December.
Build around with what's compatible with your peral gouramis. Add of school of either barbs, danios, or rasboras. I highly recommended adding a school of rasboras, but with a 20 gallon, you don't have room for much else.

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