FIsh breathing at the top of the tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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all the fish in my tank (except for the betta and the cory cat) stay at the top of the tank gulping
what does this mean?
How long has your tank been set up?
How long have the fish been in the tank?
tank has been set up for about a month
the fish have been in the tank ranging from a week to today
Quite possibly the water isnt oxygenated enough.

What filter system are you running on?
What are you tank dimensions and water capacity?
What fish do you have currently stocked?

Is the surface of your tank very still and not moving?
i have a tetra whisper 10i, and it's a 10 gallon tank
i have one male betta, one cory cat, two tetras, four neons, and two apple snails
the surface is still, except for right next to the filter
what should i do?
should i get a higher powered filter, or a bubble wall?
please help, im getting worried
Well in my experience its a sign that theres not enough oxygen within the water. Oxygen is infiltrated into the water by disturbances of the surface, so perhaps angle your filter so it has more chance of disturbing the water surface, failing that slightly raise it out of the water creating more disturbance.

I added a airstone to my tank and not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but I've had no problems regarding this issue.

If your tank was sold as a package, the filters spec should be good enough for the tank.

Have you any real plants within your tank? If so how much, and over what times do you leave the light on and light off?
i have no real plants for my tank, but i was thinking of getting some
right now i have a spare airstone in my tank, and the fish are looking better
tommorow, i was going to go to petco and buy a bubble wall, and a few real plants
if i get real plants, i know they will help with the oxygen, but what schedule should i have with the lights?
Jebus said:
i have no real plants for my tank, but i was thinking of getting some
right now i have a spare airstone in my tank, and the fish are looking better
tommorow, i was going to go to petco and buy a bubble wall, and a few real plants
if i get real plants, i know they will help with the oxygen, but what schedule should i have with the lights?
Well you've got to remember while during the day the plants release oxygen, during the night the process is reversed, thus they intake oxygen and release CO2.
The best procedure is to try and maintain a 12Hour Day period, with a 12Hour Night period.
You should test your tank for amonia , from your description it sounds like your tank has not cycled .

Do you have an understanding of the" nitrogen cycle "? If not use the search feature , or check the pinned topics .

Any way if you haven't done so already do a partial water change , maybe 25% , do 1 each day for the next few days , I'm guessing you have an amonia build up .
i did a 20 percent water change today, and i put in a jungle ammonia removing tablet... the water has been very foggy for the past two days, so tommorow i might try "restarting the cycle" by doing a 50 percent water change, putting in three different jungle tablets, and changing the filter media
it's gonna be a busy day!
Jebus said:
i did a 20 percent water change today, and i put in a jungle ammonia removing tablet... the water has been very foggy for the past two days, so tommorow i might try "restarting the cycle" by doing a 50 percent water change, putting in three different jungle tablets, and changing the filter media
it's gonna be a busy day!
I would personally steer away from doing such a large water change, it may have disastrous outcomes. Do little and more then big and less...
so should i do a 20% change every day for a week, then 10 % every day for a week, then 20% percent every week?
Personally I would do a 20% water change every other day until the situation rectifies itself.
what should i buy at the petco tommorow?
so far i need
- an 18 inch bubble wall
- live plants
- water conditioner
- water testing kits

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