Fish around surface


Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2020
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Hi all

Just after a bit of advice - this isn’t my first tank but I’m by no means an expert.

My new 5 ft tank ( pictured ) has a fairly low stock level, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite are all 0. Nothing seems out of the ordinary but there’s about 5 or 6 of the 40 or so fish constantly at the top of the aquarium by the surface in a specific corner. Its an empty corner - no heater or filter intake / outflow.
I wouldn’t say there ’gasping’ just constantly loitering there - there eating ok as well.
The other 40 odd fish are quite happy in a shoal or nibbling here and there.


Any ideas?
It looks like a water property issue. Soft water fish in hard water, or something similar
Various Mbuna Malawi cichlids, seems to be a group of 4 Pseudotropheus cobalt blue
How long have these fish been in this tank, and what was the water like from where they came from
Ok so they were in my 3 foot tank. I bought the 5 footer, set it up and moved over some filter media into the Eheim external. Cycled the 5 footer then slowly moved them all over.

Theyve all been in the 5ft tank for around 3 weeks now. The tank was cycling for about 2 weeks with the other tanks water and media before i added them
Are you sure that the ammonia level is constantly at zero and not fluctuating. They look like they are not enjoying this tank for some reason
Mmmm, Ive just stuck my temperature probe in some iced water to see if its accurate and it looks like its 2.5 - 3 degrees C off. Would the elevated temp be making them gasp?
Yeah - tbh i wa a bit nervous about having a bigger tank so ive been testing every day and logging in Aquarimate. The readings have been more stable than the other tank.
The STC controller was at just over 25 so if its 2.5 out then it must be hitting over 27

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