fish are staying at the top


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
West Lafayette, IN (Purdue University)
For some reason after i did a few water changes my nitrites and nitrates went up a lot. All of my fish are swimming at the top of the tank right now. Also, I dont think ich is present but my puffers gills look a little inflammed....gill flukes? How do i rid all of this disease!!! :crazy:
Were you replacing a lot of water at a time?

I am not sure how to get those down, I think small frequent water changes are usually a good way of helping things in any case. Is there something wrong with the values of the water that you are using?

I know there are meds available for gill flukes, general parasite med I think. You should probably do some more investigation to see if that's what it is.

I think this uis quite good -

Good Luck.
Well I had to move my puffer from my 20 to my 10 ...he was about done, but then sprang back to life as soon as he hit the water in the 10 gallon. At first ich infected my tank. Now they just rub their sides by their gills against stuff and the puffer's gills look a little inflamed..


I checked out that site. All of my fish are hanging from the top gasping for air. Seems like the whole tank is infested with gill worms
it sounds to me like the tank where the fish are hanging around at the top isnt threw cycling yet or you might have messed up your cycle you could try changing out 10 percent of your water daily this will prolong the cycle but it will keep your fish alive. I think that puffers riquire salt you might want to read up on that plus salt is real good for treating parasites to. But becareful when adding salt if you have in scaless fish it will kill them. I also know that puffers need snails to survive they keep thier teeth grinded down.

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