Fish Are Losing Scales....i'm Perplexed !

No....none of the descriptions fit. No ulcers, pimples, etc. It is definitely parasitic as they were scratching. They seem to be doing a bit better. I will continue the water changes and keep up with the Coppersafe for now. I may have underdosed the Coppersafe as I was subtracting gallons of water for the decor.

My small Sev is starting to get more aggressive, but Bubba is still king of the tank. The video was just after feeding and they get greedy over the scraps ! The small Sev will have her own tank soon. Her and my Opaline Gourami get along well so I will move them both.

I went with Colins post and thought the Pleco may be being burned by the Coppersafe. I did a large water change and am now treating with Mela/Prima Fix combo meds.

First the rainbows scales appeared lifted around the tail and a few days later became red/inflamed looking. Also some "Ick' looking spots which have only appeared on this fish:


Here is the Pleco:

Here is one of the Tinfoils. It appears some scales are missing and it is whiteish where they are gone. Not fluffy or raised or anything. This started a while back before I treated the tank. You would think the scales would have grown back ???

It's really hard to tell in the pics, but if anyone has a clue what is going on please let me know!
Sorry about asking for the water quality in my last post. You already had it up there and I didn't read it properly. bad me :)

The white patch on the pleco's belly definitely looks like excess mucous that is peeling off.
The tinfoil appears to be missing a few scales and they should grow back after a month or so.
The rainbowfish appears to have a couple of small dots on its tail and a white thing on the bottom of the caudal peduncle region (where the tail meets the body) but I can't see much else.

It appears you don't have any live plants in your tank. Do your fish get any plant matter in their diet? What other foods do you normally feed?
It could be the fish are suffering from malnutrition and that is allowing a minor infection to affect them. Rainbows, plecos & severums like a bit of plant matter in their diet. Gouramis do as well but not as much. If rainbows don't get enough plant matter they suffer from vitamin deficiencies and develop all sorts of problems. Severums and plecos would be the same.
Try feeding some fruit or vegetable matter to the fish each day. You can offer them peas, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, apple, carrot, banana, etc. Try feeding them raw and also partially cooked to soften it up. Offer a few bits at a time and let the fish eat as much as they can. Then remove any uneaten food from the tank.
You can also add beta-carotene and vitamin C to their food. You can get these from a health food shop or a supermarket or chemist. Add a small amount to some frozen food and then feed to the fish.
If you feed lots of plant matter then that will provide vitamin c and beta-carotene and you won't have to use supplements.

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