Fish Are For Their Life

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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MBOU, can i send you my 6 common plecos? They are about 14 inches and dont suit my 60 litre any more. Thx.
"Fish Are For Their Life"

That was for all of one day for my poor Silver Shark!
This is nothing new, and quite universal, though its definately good to raise this as a topic to think about.

It spans many pet keeping genres (reptiles and birds in particular), the problem it would seem is usually one of attention span.

Even in dogs, cats, horses (and other more interactive animals) life span can excede the expected. We once had a family cat that survived until the age of 20, a colleague of mine is facing increasingly large bills for his aging herd of horses and ponies etc.

I have a dark, wood filled agauarium at home that houses my Asian bumblebee catfish (bought by mistake labelled as african), He's now 5 years old, 7 inches, and cannot be housed with anything else, he even killed off the malasian trumpets. Hoever, he's MY responsibility and he'll stay until he leaves this mortal coil.

Aquariums have become fashionable, planted, scaped, CO2 injected, special LED lighting, newly discovered fish, odd-balls the list is endless, unless there is room for another aquarium, the value of the orginals, and their inhabitants, will be re-evaluated.

Luckily, thanks to the rise of the internet, there is now a wider than ever community willing to adopt, purchase, rehome etc. such unfortunates, and at least a few petstores too.

Education would seem to be the key, but, with the knowledge that initial acceptance of the facts soon gives way to boredom and apathy.
Thank`s everyone for your input and comment`s so far , keep them coming . :nod:
I am impressed with the concern and consideration of the newcomer`s and experienced alike not forgetting the caring comment`s of the LFS owner . :hyper:
With view`s like the one`s expressed so far I have complete confidence that in future the life span of fish`s will be a more considered factor for all keeper`s who read this discussion and promote it through their own individual circle`s and contact`s .
On behalf of all our loved pet`s and also those belonging to other`s THANK`S and keep up the good work :good:
Paul T. :-
For me, it has nothing to do with the level of the bond, or what I might enjoy more. Once I take an animal in, I'm responsible for them. Period. In fact, I feel MORE responsible for pets I don't have a strong bond with, because their care shouldn't depend on my level of interest.

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