Fish Aquarium Tank Lights From Tube Bulbs To Leds


New Member
May 14, 2011
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Wales Wrexham UK
Ive got light power units for normal aquarium tube bulbs etc. But Im now looking at the leds ones which are alot cheaper to run on electric. Also the colours can be changed and other options to. Im just wandering has anybody else used or got leds?

Im looking to keep the cost of electric down as much as possible with being able to enjoy everything. Which I have managed with the pond outside so far all running at 30w pump, filter and uvc.

Bora dda Pete, LED's are great if you set them up the right way. I have a small strip of 12 white LED in my 120L tank, bought them off Ebay and superglued them to the inside top of my tank. The T8 bulb is on in the day/evening, yet i always switch to the LED an hour or so before all lights go off... the LED brings out a fantastic colour on my Cardinal Tetra!

i use the arcadia LED lamps and they bring the colours out very well. they arent as bright as the T8's or T5's so it helps keep algae down too, especially in a non planted tank :good:
i have the tropical on my oscar tank and daylight on my ornatum tank and out of the 2 the daylight is the brightest showing more greens and blues but the tropical gives off the reds on the fish better.
If you want the same light output as you'd get from T5s, cheap LEDs are a lot more expensive to run, but expensive LEDs are about the same cost to run as T5s with an electronic ballast.

If you're after a lower light output, then they are a decent option.

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