Fish and powerheads?


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
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Stupid question ladies and gents...........

I'm sat here looking at my (cycling, no fish) tank and the powerhead ermmmm 'powerheading' away.

The question the Powerhead a danger to fish left as it is? Do you guy's use some sort of guard to stop fish being stuck to the inlet.

I've seen 'heater guards' but...........

Hummm..............Modding a Heater guard.........

(Told you it was daft :blink: )
Hi Terry

In my early days I did mince a Baby Clown & a Cleaner shrimp on a 1600lph powerhead - so I would say to get a guard on them ASAP

What is you overall tank flow at the mo


Chac said:
Hi Terry

In my early days I did mince a Baby Clown & a Cleaner shrimp on a 1600lph powerhead - so I would say to get a guard on them ASAP

What is you overall tank flow at the mo



Problem solved!!!

My new powerhead for mixing waterchange water arrived this morning and had a guard in the box that fitted the tank one perfectly :)

The tank powerhead is an Aquaclear 50 rated at 1022lph, but has 'Flow-control' to take it down to pretty much 0lph
Hi Terry

The flow rate for a 180 ltr tank (IMO) should be no less than 3600lph (20x overall Tank volume) and even more if you are gonna be keeping SPS or LPS Corals in the future

At the moment my 180's turnover is 38x or 6840lph.

This is a very important factor in keeping the bacteria on your live rock healthy & thriving & capable of the Biological filtration that you will require them to de


Chac said:
Hi Terry

The flow rate for a 180 ltr tank (IMO) should be no less than 3600lph (20x overall Tank volume) and even more if you are gonna be keeping SPS or LPS Corals in the future

At the moment my 180's turnover is 38x or 6840lph.

This is a very important factor in keeping the bacteria on your live rock healthy & thriving & capable of the Biological filtration that you will require them to de



Hi Del,

Thanks for the heads up, another 2 powerheads ordered and on the way.

i have 203GPH / 925Lph turnover in my 15G tank... this is only 13 times turnover an hour, is this enough or should i change one of the 3 powerheads for a more powerful one? It seems to blow around the tank fairly vigerously, the B&W percula clown certainly likes it!

HI Ben

In a tank that size I would say 15 times is enought -

What are you keeping in there coral wise

Also how much LR you got

Also you had any Algae problems


well while were on the topic of powerheads, i have a 38 gal tank that im about to start up, how much circulation should i have, how many powerheads?
petey Z said:
well while were on the topic of powerheads, i have a 38 gal tank that im about to start up, how much circulation should i have, how many powerheads?

Mine is 39 gallons and as soon as the other two arrive I'll have 3 powerheads shifting around 3200lph

petey Z said:
well while were on the topic of powerheads, i have a 38 gal tank that im about to start up, how much circulation should i have, how many powerheads?

IMO I would go for the mid to higher range flow (I have and always will prefer this to a low low)

I would defo suggest nothing shorter tan 20x the total tank volume (other will suggest slower but...)

There are a few ways of creating flow in your tank:-- either by powerheads :crazy: , closed loop system :blink: (Tried this - not a great success & flooded the living room :*) ) or streams

Streams are probably the best way, but there is another pump on the market not as comanly know as streams but almost as powerful & from the reports I have read almost as reliable Seio Pump

I have place an order recently - only problem is they come direct from Singapore so a bit of a wait

Just remember the idea is not to blast your rock but to create a good flow around/over it to engorage bacterial growth

Hope this helps

Chac said:
HI Ben

In a tank that size I would say 15 times is enought -

What are you keeping in there coral wise

Also how much LR you got

Also you had any Algae problems



I have mostly polyps - yellow, red zoas, buttons, silver star etc.
Also have some mushrooms - green furry, redstripe & a ricordia of some sort.

The biggest coral is a "pussey" coral which seems to be growing all the time, I's beautiful but I shall probably have to start fragging it at some point, hopefully i can take them in to work or sell them.

I have around 5.8KG of LR and don't have any algae problems. Have 2 red hermits, one green hermit, 3 turbo snails and 3 cerith (?) snails.

I have 2 powerheads at the moment, but am now experimenting with just two, and they seem to be doing well so far. Filter is a 3 stage internal (ceramic tubes, carbon, ehfi subtrat), and have a Sander 200 internal protein skimmer.


[p.s.] Sorry for hi-jacking thread!

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