Fish Acting Lathergic?


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2012
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Fish acting lathergic?
I have a fully cycled tank that is reading all the right test results and all apart from two fish are eating and swimming around ect?
It's an electric blue ram and a German blue ram that are acting abit strange hiding in the plants and not moving all day?
It could be my Bolivian ram that was chasing them?
Your ph could be a factor here, and your temp as the rams you mentioned are particulary sensitive.
that temp is perfectly fine for the rams.

How long have they been in the tank?

What tankmates have they got?

What is the surface agitation of the water like?
They have been in there a month
Tank is just dwarf rams, 2 electric blue, 2 gold rams, 2 German blue rams, 1 Bolivian ram
The surface has a spray bar moving it constantly
since this is very New World cichlid based, I'm going to move the topic to that section to see if some ram experts can help with identifying why the behaviour has changed.

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