fish 2 go with a guppie?

I no that's what i mean i thought it was a 10gal for guppys, but not according to that site.
The minimum mixed gender ratio for guppys is 1male to 2-3females as one female alone will get far too harrassed by the male, and besides, your tank isn't bigger enough for mixed genders so at most you get another male but in my experience guppys don't do too well in anything less than a 10gal- simply put, guppys aern't bettas.
My best advice to you is instead of trying to fit more fish into your current tank, i suggest if you can, upgrade to a larger tank; you may be able to get away with more fish in a 4gal but i wouldn't advise it as they won't be very happy.
Sorry :/
I know things got a bit mixed up in the different threads, Ninja and conflicting advice was given, which is always unfortunate, but usually happens sooner or later on discussion lists.
I still stand by my position though, which is that although guppies can survive in a very small tank, it does not fulfil their needs for an active life. Though they are smaller than bettas, they are a lot more mobile; it's one of those areas where the one inch rule needs to be modified.
And as Tokis says you can't put a male and a female in a small tank because he'll just harrass her to death. It would be like being locked up in a broom cupboard with a sex maniac!
Personally I have only heard bad things about more than 1 male being kept in a tank less than 10G when there's no females around.

My grandmother has a 5G setup, first with 2 males, but one died because it was of a weak batch ... she got the single guppy 2 'friends' after about 2 months.

As soon as the 2 new ones were added, they chased after the old guppy and nipped it to death. The next day they turned onto eachother and they're now in 2 different tanks. Honestly, just stick with 1 male.
guppies are highly agressive little fish, as are swordtails when it comes to males. That tank is only good enough for 1m and 2 f. Who cares about fry, so many people say you will be over run with fry, blah blah blah, well usually most of the fry gets eaten unless you try to save it.
It's not the fry that worries me, wrs, as much as the general lack of space. However many babies they eat, 2 females and a male will still be cramped in that small space.
it doesnt matter now her guppies died....and now i have just rescued the new fish she bought as 2 have already died and we are trying to find the problem...and i see no one here replied to her post in the emergancies.
this is the situation...see if ne of u's have ne idea....her old tank has been the shed for years....gravel and she got it out..not sure if she cleaned it...but we put some more washed new gravel in there.....and a rock....bought a heater and filter and i gave her my complete fluval 1 media....added 2 guppies....they died...although apparently one died cos it was squashed by the rock?? dont ask....she went to the lfs today and im rather dissapointed at this because i always assumed they were good...theyv always ben good to me...but it depends which guy serves u..neways she told him what had happend and the size of her tank, he then sold her 3 Pentazona barbs, and 3 platys..saying they could live in the tank....hmmm.. :X but thats not the case here.... 2 of the barbs have already died and when i got there the fish all seemed really subdued and not moving....

sooooo..could there be sumink old and festering...or chemically in the tank thats causeing this??? or wot im stuck now....but i will see how they get one tonite...if ne more die i am going to move them into one of my tanks they are showing no signs of proper illness plus the fish from the store are always good quality and they treat them there first....mayb it could be the stones...or i could have bought the problem with me in the filter i took outta her tank.... complicated..sorry for the long post... :no:
What did you clean the tank with, and did she let it dry out for aday.
yes even if nothing strange was put into the tank sitting in a garage for that long can cause all sorts of things to get onto it. I'd give it a good cleaning and try agian. rip
ummm i have no idea...i dont think she would have cleaned with ne thing...if she did clean it at all..i forgot to ask....

reply...yea ive told her to clean everything with boiling hot water...i think now she wants to buy a complety new tank...bigger one and just start from scratch....

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