fish 2 go with a guppie?

What size is the tank please.
Sorry you can't add anymore, you really need a 10gal for guppys they like a far bit of swimming room.
ill answer for her....she has 1 guppie.....
Maybe two more guppys and that's the limit, then keep them to all males or you will be over run with fry.
Actually i'd say even a 4gal might be too small for one guppy alone, let alone 2; guppys need alot of swimming space and a 10gal realy is the minimum for them- anything smaller and its getting very crampt.
4 gals isnt that that small for such a small fish..i know they can be active..i have some....but there is quite a bit of space believe it or not....
yeah, 4 gallons is good for them. The actuall minimum is 30 gallons, for 1m and 2f.

plus you most likely will not be over run with fry! The parents will eat them in that sized tank.
yea no females....they could fill that tank too cramming point in about a wekk space to move
ahhh they all say so many different things..goddamit how confusing! :hyper:

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