First Try At A Planted Aquarium

Water parameters are holding steady. I forgot to add I used some of that ecoboost stuff the first day and so far I'm impressed by it. If water hold steady I'm goin.g to add 2 corys and 2 rams in q week
Added some hornwort today. I had a bunch in a farm pond at my familys ranch. Also Im picking up a ram breeding pair and a pair of cories on Sunday.
I got my first fish for this tank today. 2 bronze cories and 2 rams (dont knw what kind). The rams I got for $5 apiece. It was a total steal.
Glad they're bolivian rams as german blue rams wouldn't have fitted in with your cories due to temperature requirements. Up your cories to 6 when you can.

Great start.
Love the red on them.

Glad they're bolivian rams as german blue rams wouldn't have fitted in with your cories due to temperature requirements. Up your cories to 6 when you can.

Great start.
Thanks for the id. And the picture doesnt do the red justice. It is more like a the red on a coca cola can.( lol on the description. that is what i am drinking right now :lol: )
And miinnt I bought all the cories they had. Should I get six more bronze or can I get different species. If so please list some. I hate picking out for myself :lol: .
Another 4 bronze would be best. Their natural behaviour will show more so than if you mix species.

Get a full tank shot up, this is the planted journal section after all. Lol.
Sorry I could have sworn that I already did.

The plant on the right is one that I got out of my farm pond. I dont know what it is but it is really starting to get green. Also do you think I could put a pair of angels in here or would the rams bully them?
Definitely more corydoras - they're much better in groups. :nod:

At least the picture is not upside-down this time!

You could put angels in, depending on the height of the tank. I'd be more worried about the angels bullying the rams than the other way round...
Definitely more corydoras - they're much better in groups. :nod:

At least the picture is not upside-down this time!

You could put angels in, depending on the height of the tank. I'd be more worried about the angels bullying the rams than the other way round...
Yes I fixed the picture problem haha. And the tank is tall enough.
Major update. So I'm switching the 75 g Malawi tanks residents to the 55 gallon and the occupants of the 55 to the 75. The water levels that are better for each fish are better that way and it also is going to solve my filter and lighting problems
Okay so I have switched the rock and fish in this tank

to this tank
and vice versa with the plants and fish in this tank. It all looks more natural now.
I bought 6 neon tetras today and 2 peppered corys and 1 skunk cory. I also bought a piece of driftwood that was in the lfs main display tank. when I got it home and put it into the tank a small pleco came out of it. I think it is a hi fin pleco but Im not sure.

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