First Timer, Can I Go Too Big?


New Member
May 27, 2009
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Hey, I've been reading this site and some others for a couple of weeks now because someone piqued my interest in starting an aquarium. I believe I've learned a lot about how to start and maintain an aquarium and I'm ready to go for it. But I have a couple of options for acquiring a tank and interested to see what you all think.

My fiance's father has a 10 or 12 gallon tank he'll give me for free all I'll need is a filter and a heater (if I get fish that need warmer waters). This was originally my only option, and I felt good about it.

However I was looking at craigslist and noticed someone had a 50 gallon tank and stand that they were selling for $50. This seemed like an incredible deal considering the prices I have seen for tanks of this size, and everything I've read has said the bigger I can start with, the better. However I'm wondering if there's a limit to that logic. A tank of that size would leave me with greater expansion ability in the future, but I really want to focus on getting it right from the start, in simple situations with a couple of hardy fish before I do anything else.

Does anyone feel like they started too small and would have started larger, or on the other hand has anyone felt they started too big?
I started with a 7 Gallon 3 years ago and learnt a lot about fish albeit I only had around 12 of them. Not knowing, it was infact too many fish for the tank........few months later I got the larger tank.

It really depend what type of fish you want to keep and what you intend for the future.........if it's part of your learning cycle, not including planting etc, a 10-15 gallon is a great starting point, keeping in mind the upkeep.

What you will find later on in this hobby, no tank is too big.....

Hope it helps.......:)
Bigger the better, this make's thing's more stable, and obviously more space, even a 5ft tank with guppie's etc looks good, bigger is better when it come's to fish tank's, providing you have space, as you will get the i want more bug and that will help alot
get the 50 gal, no questions!!!

my other half started with a 60 gal tank and it was great as a first tank, I started with a 20 which was OK but I would have liked to start with something bigger.

I always think something around the 30/40 gal mark is a nice compromise between ease of maintenance and tank stability for a beginner but I'd definately go for the 50 if you can get one that cheap.
I agree, go with the 50 gallon

A 15/20 gall really limits the fish you will able to keep due to its size and in the grand scheme of things, 50 gall isnt actually that big.

Actually, bigger is not always better !!!! My parents (bless them) had a small 8 Gallon tank for over 10 years and they very happy with it........all they wanted was a small tank with just a couple of suited their purpose......hence my original post about what you want for the future.......

I understand that some are very passionate with this hobby but when starting out, and the initial outlay, larger is not always the right answer.......sure for $50 it is another question, but room size etc etc needs to be asked also........
I think there is an upper limit to the "bigger is better", I reckon 125 litres (33USg) is probably the highest starting point. Above that and you are dealing with very large amounts of water to change which in itself a problem.

It is true that the larger the body of water the more stable and "forgiving" it is, but I'd hate to be a total newbie and have to do a 50% water change on a 200litre tank!
Get the 50 gallon tank... but get a python gravel vac or you'll get very tired of doing the "bucket-brigade". You want this to be a fun experience, not work. 50 gallons is a very nice size to start out with.

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