First time tank Pictures - 35 gal with barbs

Barbs feeding:


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Yep, he looks like a sailfin plec to me. :) Is that pumpkin he's eating? Looks like he's enjoying it!
Rockmelon? That's an interesting idea... I've only ever fed veggies, never fruit. It's a cute plec, anyway. :wub:
He is eatign sweet potato's in that picture. I feed my plec veggies almost daily, usually he just gets cucummber or peas, but I was spoling him today :rolleyes:

As for how often I'm not to sure raelly, but I make sure my pleco gets some solid meals of fresh veg throughout the week.
MXPX4318, I appreciate the tips. I'll have to give that a try. Wish i had that thing called common sense, but oh well.
Cracking looking tank mate :)

As for the Pleco, I'd disagree with both options suggested above.... From the pic it looks like it's only got 9 spines in it's dorsal fin, ruling out a Sailfin (13 spines) and if it hasn't grown much in 12 months, it kinda rules out a Common......

As for what it actually is... haven't got a clue !!! ;)

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