So I purchased my first plant ever! It is Anacharis and I got 3 small bunches. Now what do I do? Just add it to the tank? Or is there something I need to do prior? TIA!!
I have those in my shrimp tank and they grow even on the gravel
I have the tank with half gravel on one side and soil on the other side
nothing to them really...
they will however grow quite different with co2 and without...
without co2 they grow thick
without...very thin
some will just die off when you first plant them...melt and unsoil themselves
I would just cut them in 4 inch long pieces...this way you get more chances at having these guys take off in your tank
Thank you! I actually read that I should rinse and put them in isolation for 24hrs. Is that correct? If so, which water am I using? Your tank is beautiful!
Oh and what type of nutrients do I add for them?
that's actually my shrimp tank
my main tank looks like this:
honestly I don't use ferts in my tanks so I wouldn't be the right person to ask about them....
and yes you should rinse them and isolate them for a couple of days as some people don't like snails or whatever might come travelling along with those plants
I made the mistake of adding bladder snails to my tank due to not isolating the Java fern good luck with your plants, mine are also new to me along with the tank. No co2
Thanks all for the info. When I started to put one of the plants in I noticed there was some tiny hard thing on it and I immediately took it out. But I think one got into the tank So when I rinse them, do I just use regular tap water? Right now they are in a pitcher full of tank water. TIA!
I'd give them a quick dunk into a bleach solution. Once a bladder snail gets in the tank it'll multiply faster than you'd think possible. Then you have a hell of a job on your hands.
If you have any smallish fish in the tank that you are hoping to breed then I'd add something like Hornwart or moss.