i THOUGHT i was doing research by learnign from good ol' petcetera
they sent me home with a 20 gallon and in the same week, a plecostomus, 2 platy, 2 white cloud minnows, 2 Angelfish,2 guppies, 1 albino tiger barb and one catfish
they told me nothing of cycling, told me i could have 20 fish in a 20 gallon (regardless of size) and told me i only had to clean it once every couple of months, if even that much
i called it (the tank) my "cube of death"
i lost everything but one of my angels and a white cloud
those that didn't die of nitrate/ ammonia poisoning, were torn apart by the albino barb (which i was told was community and not a barb at all)
pretty tramatic for someone who is use to the longer much less flimsier lifespan of animals, birds and reptiles
especially when you would find them crammed in a bush or stuck to the filter