First tank, what you think?

-cAtFiSh- said:
its looking really good so far. i love the sand and the amazon sword plant is a nice one.

although the plant circled in red doesnt look much like an aquatic plant. i may be wrong but keep an eye on it.


edit: get some more bogwood lol. more more MORE!! (i love bogwood :p)

also how big is the tank?

yeah i know what u mean, it kinda looks like abush i have in the garden, but bought it from an aquatic shop :/ i like the bog wood too so im saving lol

The tank is a 44g 48 x 12 x18

yeah but aquarium shops tend to stock plants that arent truley aquatic. why they do this i dont know but its a pain in the ass. im pretty sure i bought a non-aquatic plant today so im kicking myself
after a while you learn to familiarise yourself with whats not aquatic and what is :)
Well spotted Catfish, the plant circled in red is indeed not an aquarium plant . It is infact a Seleginella species which should be planted in some damp compost in a warm humid place like a green house or conservatory. When placed under water the plant lasts a few weeks before its leaves start to fall off and the plant dies.

As a general rule avoid any plants which have variegated leaves or can stand up by themselves out of water. Common non aquatic plants sold in fish stores are Draceana species, Fittonia species and Maranta species all of which are also sold as common houseplants.
Variegated means made up of different colours, variegated plants are most commonly green and white striped though there are other colours such as green and red etc.
oh ok yeah i have had bad luck from variegated plants.
i steer clear of them :nod:

i bought a very nice green and purple one when i set up my first tank well over a year ago and it fell apart and died. i was shattered 'cause i thought i had done something terribly wrong :(

(sorry for the hijack. carry on!)
the tank looks really nice, what fish are you going to get

(oh and the pant, it kinda reminds me of a conifer lol :lol:)
the tank looks really nice, what fish are you going to get

(oh and the pant, it kinda reminds me of a conifer lol :lol:)

lol i thought it was a conifer too!

well i have 3 zebera danios and my plans are:

a Pair of Bolivian Rams
5 Bronze cory
a Small pleco (any suggestions?)
emm maybe a group of angels...

if anyone has any suggestions on what i could have please say. anything that goes with the Rams and corys

add java moss over the coconut caves and watch it get coverd by java moss

is java moss an easy plant to keep? i currently have 6 plants and about 6 fake plants but the fake ones look great too lol. i just changed my light from a small 1ft 13W tube to a 3ft 30-60 (cant remember) strip light.

yeah and u will get tons of java moss once its starts growing
wow good for a first tank... theres lots of space for fish to swin around and be cute, yet it looks very full with decoration. id love to see the corys having all that space around the plants gliding around on smooth sand!! :lol:
wow good for a first tank... theres lots of space for fish to swin around and be cute, yet it looks very full with decoration. id love to see the corys having all that space around the plants gliding around on smooth sand!! :lol:

thats what i was aiming for. plenty of hiding places with alot of room to swim :D thinking about making another cave with some slate. then placing some java moss over it... just need to find somewhere to add this cave and somewhere that sells this java moss

As for the corys :hyper: i cant wait to get them and that was the main reason for the sand lol
i think rather than the angels get a school of some sort of schooling fish, like a tetra species for example. i highly recommend Harlequin Rasboras (not a tetra species however). great beginner fish, hardy, great schooling fish and when they grow to their full size (1-2 inches) they have some amazing colours.
as for a pleco maybe a clown pleco or bristlenose.

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