First Tank Stock


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2006
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Hi I recently posted that I was planning on buying a jewel rekord 60 aquarium, which is 54 litres roughly 10g i think. I plan on having a mix of live and fake plants and sand as a substrate. I was planning on getting a mix of:

6 corys (probably panda or any other smaller cory's) or 6 oto's
6-8 neons, black neons or harlequins
plus a few other fish to add sum variety

Just wanted know some peoples opinions on the compatibility and any suggestions on how to set up the tank ie should it be heavily planted. Also suggestions for other fish to add variety are very welcome.

i also have a mix of live and fake plants, works well, and , a little less work to be had taking care of them. People will argue with me, but i have had succesful tanks for 15 years, and have experimented with several fishes together, sometimes it worked and sometimes it doesnt, best to try what you want to do, keeping in mind, if you see problems you may have to add, remove some components of your new tank. also , make sure to respect the nitrogen cycle on setting up your new tank, be patient, it is worth it.

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