First Tank. Any Suggestions?


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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This is my first tank it's a 30gal. For fish I have 3 Black phantom Tetras, 3 Black Tetras, 2 red Platy, 1 wag tail platy, 1 sword tail and a clown pleco. I'm feeding them tropical flakes and the loach is getting Hikari tropical wafers. For plants 2 Hygro, 1 green Cabomba and a piece of Malaysian drift wood. I'm running an external filter with two mechanical media and one bio media plus an under gravel filter. Tank is at 78F.

I would love to do a fully planted tank but might hold off on that for a little while until i get a little more experience. I am finding that i need more in this tank. Any thoughts?







Your gonna need alot bigger tank then 30Gals for that Clown Loach =]
Atleast 400L unless you rehome it. It's a nice tank, you could try some Vallis :)
Your gonna need alot bigger tank then 30Gals for that Clown Loach =]
Atleast 400L unless you rehome it. It's a nice tank, you could try some Vallis :)
My mistake I meant a Clown Pleco. Will he be ok?
The clown plec will be fine, your tank looks great, the tetras need to be in groups of 6+ of their own kind ideally, not sure what sex your swords or platy are but the can and will cross breed. Ideally live bearers should be in groups of 1 male to 2 or more females or you could keep them in same sex groups if you don't want babies ( they can store sperm for up to 6 months though so you might get some babies anyway).

Emma :)
Thats a nice tank. But i guess u must add some more tetras and platies in your tank. It can hold some more fish in it.
My plan is to get one more Platy and two more Tetras. I'm more thinking about what can i do with the aquascaping? Anyone have any design ideas?

My plan is to get one more Platy and two more Tetras. I'm more thinking about what can i do with the aquascaping? Anyone have any design ideas?


are your platties male or female if they are a mix then dont add any they will increase their numbers themselves - and the platys WILL crossbreed with the swordtail if they are not all male or all female


i would add some vallis , wisteria (grows like mad) , some java or christmas moss and maybe a couple of floating plants incase the platys do have fry - amazon frgbit grows like mad and looks good

nice looking tank so far

Sarah x
is that an undergravel filter you got there? i don't think it'd help much seeing how on much substrate you have (poop would probably never reach it). is that your main filtration system?
is that an undergravel filter you got there? i don't think it'd help much seeing how on much substrate you have (poop would probably never reach it). is that your main filtration system?

It is an undergravel system. I put it in when I first set up the tank. There is also an external filter hanging on the back. Is it too much substrate? Should I take the undergravel out? Someone told me i might as well leave it until.l the tank is fully cycled.... almost there.
are your platties male or female if they are a mix then dont add any they will increase their numbers themselves - and the platys WILL crossbreed with the swordtail if they are not all male or all female


i would add some vallis , wisteria (grows like mad) , some java or christmas moss and maybe a couple of floating plants incase the platys do have fry - amazon frgbit grows like mad and looks good

nice looking tank so far

Sarah x


I belive both the red platies are male i'm not sure about the wagtail or sword tail. Is the cross breeding something to be concerned about? I really like the idea of the Christmas moss. I'm don't reall want to jump into the whole CO2 thing with the plants yet until i get everything else under control. When would I need a CO2 system? How many plants can the tank support with out it?


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