First tank and got ICH


New Member
Apr 6, 2022
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Independence Missouri
My first tank is a 75 gal and I had two Oscar’s and two other cichlids. The two cichlids died because my Oscar’s bullied them and I went and bought a peco and a snail and then suddenly my fishs fins were rotting off on my albino Oscar and they had white spots everywhere. My white Oscar died on day 3 of a broad treatment solution and aquarium salt. My black Oscar seems to be doing better and my peco is just hiding but still alive. Any tips? I just ordered NOX-ICH and it will be here Thursday. Can I still use it when it gets here? I’m on day 4 or API PIMAFIX.
The main tip is for the future.
Never introduce new fish (or plants) directly into your precious aquarium(s). The risks of bringing diseases or other things far outweigh any perceived benefits. It is just not worth it. A quarantine tank is a must.
In my experience, Pimafix is not very effective for ick (or for much else). I use heat + salt, but have had success as well with Rid-Ick (Mardel), together with heat and salt.
Perhaps most important is to continue treatment for at least a week after not seeing ANY ick spots on any fish. Any time you see any ick spots on a fish, that fish (and the rest in the aquarium) have had gill filaments colonized by ick spots for days before.
For me, quarantine is a must and an unquestioned standard procedure. No less than 1 full month (for 'clean'-looking fish), longer of there is suspicion, or worse, any evidence of health issues. But many aquarists claim this is silly. I will rather be silly than infect my tanks. Good luck!
Day 3 I increased the heat to 83° and I have been adding small amounts of aquarium salt every evening. I will also be getting a quarantine tank I agree with you. Also is it OK for me to use the ICH treatment when it gets here?
Raise the temperature to 86 deg F as measured by a thermometer in the water (not a thermometer on the outside or the heater setting). Leave it at that temperature for 2 weeks. Increase aeration either by adjusting the filter outflow so it moves the water surface faster or by adding an air stone. Warmer water holds less oxygen than cooler water.

Stop using the Pimafix. Keep the ich treatment in the cupboard when it arrives.
All ich treatments are rough on fish; heat is less damaging to fish.
Got it! I have one air stone that is a wall of bubbles and then just regular bubbles from a clam decor. My thermometer is inside the tank so it should be a good reading. I will use salt and heat the next two weeks? Or just heat?
Just heat. Salt also reduces the oxygen carrying capability of water and it does nothing for ich - marine fish get ich with salt in the water.

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