First SW Tank - getting excited!

Been worried about the sand anemone since getting it on Saturday. Monday, it decided to start "wilting" somewhat, and I was a bit worried what I was going to wake up and find on Tuesday morning, but seemed a bit livelier on Tuesday morning. Still worried yesterday, but got home and it seemed a bit happier.

Brine shrimp for tea (fish/anemone - not me! I had McD's! lol), and I've moved one of the powerheads which I think was blowing too close to the anemone for it's liking. Seemed to open up more during the evening, so hopefully everything is sorted now. See what happens when I get home tonight - fingers crossed.

Will post more tonight...
Hey folks,

Last night wasn't a good night. Got home to find that Dempsey (male clown) had what looked to be ich. Makepeace (female) was looking ok, just very agitated. Dempsey wasn't looking too bad, just a couple of spots on his head, and a couple of his belly. Did about a 15% water change and increased the temperature in the tank. Came down this morning, temp is up at about 82 now (from 76-77), Dempsey looks far better, spots have gone already and although he was quite quiet, at least he wasn't swimming through the sand etc, which I assumed last night was him trying to "scratch". Also added a dose of Aquasafe, which although not exactly a medication, is supposed to help relieve stress, help recover from illness etc etc. This may or may not be the best course of action, but it was the only stuff I had in the house (note to self - keep ich medicine in the cupboard!)

Could ich have gone so rapidly? I wasn't expecting him to look any better this morning - in fact I was expecting the worst. Fingers crossed he'll be back to normal when I get home tonight.

Was fearing the worst for our rather expensive and rather lovable tankmates last night. At least the anemone is looking far better now - she had a great meal of chopped cockles last night - gobbled it up!

On a side-note - although the look of the cabinet that we have is great - matches the TV stand etc, it just ain't big enough! So advice to any newbies reading this - when choosing your cabinet - get the largest usable space possible. Ours only has a cupboard in themiddle and open space on either side (cupboard makes up only about 50% of the cabinet size) and this is now full with filter, sockets and wavemaker. So going to have to do a redesign on what is stored where, at the moment, the extension lead sockets are just next to the filter - not ideal if the filter leaks!!!

Anyway, time to do some work I suppose...


PS As usual, photos can be viewed at this site and if you want to see the cabinet specifically, then check here.
Normality seems to be restored now, Dempsey & Makepeace are wiggling around and occasionally making a brief wander from the anemone, not too far, but at least they seem to be quite happy to swim away and return a while later.


One thing though...if you use Aquasafe at all - be aware that it froths up big time! I knew this from using it to treat tap-water on the tropical tank, but even this morning (36 hours later!) it's still frothing like mad in the skimmer!

See ya!

Weekend update:

Took a water sample to the LFS who tested it (I always like to get a second opinion on things). Am/ate/ites all fine - ates up a little but nothing too scary. But pH showing as 7.4! My usual tests at home show 8.1-8.2 unfailingly for pH. Checked it when I got home, 8.1 spot on. Figure it must have been the coke bottle that I took the water to the LFS in. Even though it was well and truly rinsed out I think it must have had some effect.

So we got some new inhabitants:

1 x Peppermint shrimp (Wrigley)
1 x Cleaner shrimp (Hilda)
1 x Scotter Blenny (Benny - so original! lol)

Everyone seems happy as anything in there, pics are available here, if interested.

Stuck my hand in to remove some algae last night - usual attacks by Makepeace (female clown), she is soooo funny attacking me yet living quite happily with the smaller animals in there lol. And Hilda came to clean my finger for me - quite sweet!


I would get another test done onf that PH if i were you. One of them is wrong and if the PH is actually 7.4 then thats seriously low and dangerous to the livestock over a prolonged period of time.

Perhaps if you take the same water to the shop again along with your own test kit, then try to test the water there with your kit and also with theirs, see if the results are different (after all it will come out of the same bottle) should there be any difference then ask them to test with a different brand of PH kit. Or perhaps use an electronic PH test. When normal PH is usually around 8.2 - 8.3 a result of 7.4 is 90 times more acidic than normal living conditions

Last weekend the water was tested at a LFS that I use regularly and therefore have complete faith in. Their tests came out identical to mine. So I'm confident that my test is accurate and the coke bottle must have had some effect on the sample I took to the different LFS this weekend. My test kit is less than 2 months old hence no reason why it should be inaccurate, also checked with an older (different brand) kit and same reult. So I'm 100% confident of the 8.1-8.2 result.


Sounds great! Good to hear the success you're having..

And Hilda came to clean my finger for me - quite sweet!

They musta looked buggy.. Ew ;)

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