Fish Crazy
Stupid research: I should've just bought some fish and thrown them in...
OK - so, let's say I buy an RO unit (which I guess I would rather do eventually, so - no time like the present and all that). Just a couple of questions that I can't find straight answers to:
1) How big are they? I've seen plenty of pictures, but haven't actually seen one up close, and haven't even seen dimensions anywhere... I'm imagining (and hoping) something like 2 feet in each dimension - am I close?
2) What do you get with a more expensive filter? If I bought a £200 filter rather than a £75 one, am I getting £125 worth of better water, or just higher flow rate? More expensive filters seem to have extra chambers with more filtering going on, but how significant a difference does that make in practice? (I realise that that's a difficult question to quantify, but any comment gratefully received).
3) I read that the membrane needs to stay in constant contact with water, so obviously ideally the unit stays plumbed in at all times, but, as I'm renting, that's not an option. Also, with it going constantly I'd be producing far more water than I would realistically need (unless I started using it in my FW tank, which, I'm assuming, is a possibility...?). So, given that, it seems to make sense to have it on for a day every now and then, fill up a couple of cans and store them until they run out (or nearly). I've read that you can store the membrane in the refrigerator between uses, but will that have detrimental effects?
If these questions are all answered on www.allyourroquestionsanswered.com or some such thing, feel free to just post a link, and I apologise for wasting your time
OK - so, let's say I buy an RO unit (which I guess I would rather do eventually, so - no time like the present and all that). Just a couple of questions that I can't find straight answers to:
1) How big are they? I've seen plenty of pictures, but haven't actually seen one up close, and haven't even seen dimensions anywhere... I'm imagining (and hoping) something like 2 feet in each dimension - am I close?
2) What do you get with a more expensive filter? If I bought a £200 filter rather than a £75 one, am I getting £125 worth of better water, or just higher flow rate? More expensive filters seem to have extra chambers with more filtering going on, but how significant a difference does that make in practice? (I realise that that's a difficult question to quantify, but any comment gratefully received).
3) I read that the membrane needs to stay in constant contact with water, so obviously ideally the unit stays plumbed in at all times, but, as I'm renting, that's not an option. Also, with it going constantly I'd be producing far more water than I would realistically need (unless I started using it in my FW tank, which, I'm assuming, is a possibility...?). So, given that, it seems to make sense to have it on for a day every now and then, fill up a couple of cans and store them until they run out (or nearly). I've read that you can store the membrane in the refrigerator between uses, but will that have detrimental effects?
If these questions are all answered on www.allyourroquestionsanswered.com or some such thing, feel free to just post a link, and I apologise for wasting your time