First small signs of BGA


What's that grass like plant in the base? Sagittaria Subulata?

No, but a very similar one, the pygmy chain sword, Helanthium tenellum or more likely it is the slightly larger chain sword, H. bolivianum. I have had these two species in my tanks since I bought the original plants in 1995/6. They like my moderate lighting so I stay with them. I have tried Sagittaria subulata once or twice but it didn't survive long.

Is that Frogbit at the top too?

No. There are a couple strands of Pennywort floating, but all the rest is Water Lettuce.
Awww, thank you! I don;t think it's much but my children wanted it like that so you do as you're told, don't you! Everyone usually comments on the 2 lego guys that were mandatory!
I'm going to get a big tank for downstairs as I'm now hooked, pardon the pun. I don;t have the room for a 55, but a 125l will fit perfectly in the space I have set in the next couple of months. Juwel or Fluval, which do you think it best?!

Shrimps love those moss balls!

Been there and done that with kids, setting up a tank for them, this is my 55 gallon tetra tank . I themed it as LOTR with the castle. This is more for me since I am a big fan of J.R.R. Tolkien. The camera I have does not do it justice.


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Whats your temp at. Warmer temps can encourage bga. Can always drop the temp a bit.
BGA in lakes ponds ect... Is more common now with higher global temps. Also seems to take hold more in stagnant bodies of water as nutrients and waste arent flushed out.
Limit feeding to limit nutrient build up, drop heat if above 76 increase water circulation.and reduce length of light.
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