First Nano Planted Tank


May 16, 2012
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Hello. I've recently started a planted nano tank and thought I'd share this with everyone. :)

-AquaNano 30
-22L, pH 6.5, 25c
-Colombo Flora Base Substrate
-Tropica Cannister Co2
-Heteranthera Zosterifolia, Vallisneria Tortifolia, Eleocharis Acicularis, Lilaeopsis, Anubias, Aegagropila Linnaei, Java Moss.

Hope you enjoy and I hope I don't mess this up!

Nice, you planning on propagating the Stargrass to get more?
Yeah plan on spreading it through the back and I'll probably have to move the vallis. (Y)
Had a quick re scape as the plants weren't doing well and the wood on the left makes it difficult to cut. I don't think it looks to good right now so it'll probably be re scaped again! :p The hairgrass is not looking too good, I was unsure on how to plant it. Roots near the top of substrate or the bottom?

Cheers. :)

Had a little re-scape, filled it a bit more.

Just going to wait for it to grow out a bit. :L

Nice, looking forward to seeing it grown in.
Haha thanks. I hope it does anyway. I may see if I can get a different piece of wood as I find my current one a bit odd and too tall.
if i am not mistaken i think that is a little branch on the back of your driftwood with anubias? on it. if so you could seperate the anubas from the little "branch" and cut off the branch and then stick the driftwood in the far left hand corner, so it is touching the corner. and you could attach the anubias somewhere else. and the driftwood could be a "tree"
Yeah the tree idea I saw online so I tried to do it in my own way but the "trunks" of the wood stretch out pretty far. There is a diffuser in the left corner but even with that removed, I cant actually get it further. :L My idea now is to get another piece that branches out from the corner low to high and hang moss from it like a waterfall or let my other plants weave through it. Or just add moss to my current piece so It isn't sticking out so much haha.
hahaa, i didn't even notce the diffuser in the picture, until you potined t out :) you idea sounds great
Haha thank you. I actually sold this tank and getting a new one in a couple of weeks and should start setting it up within the month so they'll be another journal. Similar idea but just a bit bigger and more successful. :)

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