First Marine Experience

Thanks for all the advice guys

Update on the LR in the tank, two of the pieces are showing some nice colour now, the coraline has turned a deeper colour and seems to be more vivid. Also, the other piece has grown hundreds of tiny green shoots, now about 2 - 3mm long, in the past 24 hours. Any ideas?

Will I be able to put my Rowa phos, in tights, in something like a small sponge filter? (replacing the sponge for the rowaphos of course)

Otherwise, I'd look for a phosban reactor that could mount externally on the side of my tank. Ideally, I want to keep a clean look to the tank, hiding as much ugly equipment as possible. Unfortunatly, as the tank is on a nice piece of furnature, I can't plumb in a sump. Same with a skimmer, I would like something small and neat.

I'm hoping to be buying a few more bits of LR on the weekend,
The T5 lighting and the majority of LR will be here in over 2 weeks now,
I need to get in touch with my uncle who is donating some LR to me aswell :)

Thanks once again,

Do remember that if you add lr at different times you could end up having several small cycles - If you add it all at the same time only one cycle or if lucky and you get LR from an established tank there may be no cycle :good:

My understanding is that the only way to get that lovely deep purple coraline quickly is to get your rock from an established tank, where the rock is already covered :drool:

Seffie x

Thanks for the tip, all my live rock is coming fully cured from the lfs, transported wet for a few mins, so there will be minimal cycle time anyway, also, I am getting some LR from an established tank too.

I am in no rush for livestock anyway, patience is one of my strong points.

Hey, update,

Today, I bought some more liverock.

2kg piece of indonesian - pretty square and large, will be used as a base for more fijian
1.5kg piece of fijian - great shape, covered in coraline, has great holes through it, and I have seen a load of hitchhikers I'll get ID's later
0.5 kg piece of fijian - didnt buy this for the filtration, but is covered in polyps, I mean, it could have been in the coral tank! I'll post up pics for ID's later.

Pretty sure I'll be buying Fijian from now on, much better colour. So far, thats about 6kg of LR, so it needs lots more, but I'm glad I'm carefully hand selecting the pieces, even if the price can't compete with online stores.

Started thinking about aquascaping, most likely will be a typical looking long reef, but I'm going to do my best as toward caves and overhangs.

Still bouncing lighting ideas around. I have been told a 4 tube t5 setup will be fine for softies, but somehow, I am being tempted by some of arcadia's double T5 offerings, I beam / T5 transofrmer etc, As this gives me bulb choice and choice of individual reflectors etc. With the transformer, I could run up to 2 x 39w bulbs of my choice, with individual reflectors. I could also stick a T8 next to them too, maybe an actnic? So honestly, is it worth trying?

Also, I think my maxi jet could do with dispersing the flow a little better, anyone know where I can find a flat attachment for the end to spread it over the reef? On that note, anyone know where I can find a standard maxi jet mounting bracket? (clip / sucker thing)

I'll post up pictures of my hitchikers later,


Lets see who can ID these, 1st should be easy ;)


It's came out more since then ^^^^^^^^ The ones in the front have green and yellow bits to them. :)

Not sure on the these, hope it's not aiptasia..... theres about four of them.


Tank needs to clear again after stirring up some sand.


First one, common zoanthid aka button polyps. Second one, tough to say from that pic...
First one, common zoanthid aka button polyps. Second one, tough to say from that pic...

Agree could be polyps similar to the buttons, or could rock anemones of some sort maybe. Aiptasia will have long tenticles so from that pick, if they are fully extended, would say no to aiptasia... from that pic.... clearer pic would help greatly

Ox :good:
Then help greatly I shall! Tank has cleared so better pics:

Since the last picture, something has emerged next to them, it is brown, with purple "feelers" , seems to have a prominant middle and it withdraws into the LR at night, and opens in the morning. In the right of this picture: ID?



I need to buy a new hydrometer / refractometer. I dropped my hydrometer and it now gives ridiculous readings, I know I cant trust it as my Hitchikers wouldn't survive such a low SG!

Can anyone reccomend a suitable CUC for my tank?

Thanks guys!


I just came home to see a strange "snail" on my glass, yay! another Hitchhiker I thought..... but no!

I did a quick search and it is definatly a nudibranch, it has the trademark spikes on its back. I just scooped it off the glass with a net, then poured boiling water over it, then disposed of the remains. ( Do not try to kill one of these with your hands, they can kill by releasing toxins into the skin! Read the pinned topic ont this forum! )

I've just noticed a tiny tint of brown diatoms on a part of the sand. Anyone know what I should do?

Is it worth adding a few snails / hermits as a mini CUC until more fully cured rock goes in (combats hair algae thats starting etc)

As long as you don't have ammonia anymore, you can go ahead and add some small CUC...
Great, should be within the next week or two then!

I last tested for ammonia the other day, and it was dropping, (I'll see if I can find my results) however I may have mentioned earlier how the kit looks to have just went out of date, still need to buy a new kit!

I think I'll go out and buy a new kit on saturday, I'll definatly post up a accurate result then.

Today, I sent my Mum out to the lfs to ask some general questions on cycling / water params etc, (I was at school) and she came back with a shiny new DD Refractometer! A "early birthday present" for next week, I suppose. :)

Sg is 1.022, what is the method of raising this? I have access to RO water and I have a box of marine salt, but I know not to add salt directly to the tank.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it!

You could just make up a concentrated salt mix and slowly add that until your SG is what you are aiming for. You haven't any live stock apart from the hitchhikers so it's not as critical but it's still best to add it slowly I think to spare your critters discomfort.
Right guys, tanks moving on now!

Last of the live rock was added last week! (I say last, no doubt I'll add more for aquascaping purposes once it's fully established)

So I left it for a few days and then had all my water tested at my lfs. Good news! it's fully cycled and ready for livestock!

Ive added a few hermits, 2 red legged, 1 blue, and they have cleaned up my LR rather well, more CUC to come, more hermits certainly, but I need advice on what snails / shrimp have the best qualities.

My newest pieces of LR have some large colonies of zoo's on them, and even after a few days in the tank, I have sucsessfully fragged a nice amount of them, which are currently sitting on the sandbed. I did leave the largest colony for now, I not sure if I like them or are they just taking up some moohassive real estate on my LR. Hmm, desicions.

I also, knocked out a quick hood, (in rough, I will make a final one as soon as I have made this mock up) and I'm rather pleased. It has plenty of room for lighting and I plan on adding a few PC fans and LED's in there.

Lighting, at the moment, looks like its going to be a mix of Power compacts, T5's and a few LED strips. All with reflectors etc. Tank is currently T8, but its supporting everything I have in. =/

Pics will be added tomorrow, as the lights are out now.

Advice on the what the rest of my CUC could be, any hood notes, and finally, what could I stock in the tank? I would prefer smaller fish, am I limited?

Thanks for reading, you guys have made this happen! :good:

Pics as promised, with free ugly aquascaping, and glass which needs cleaning:



Lastly, heres an amusing picture of my blue hermit in the forground, and you can see a red one in the background..


Although it's ready for fish, (stocking advice please), I still feel I want to add more CUC, shrimp , snails etc.



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