First Lizard


Jun 20, 2007
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Long Island, NY
I have a few spare tanks and I wanted to get a lizard or a gecko.

I've kept snakes and turtles (currently have a mail-order turtle and a ball python) before, so I know what reptile's needs are.

What would be a good starter lizard/gecko, or anything lizard-like, and not very high-maintenance? I would like something that can be handled, since I'm not the kind of person that likes pets that just sit there(My snake bangs on the glass of her tank to be let out every morning, she coils around my neck while I eat and then I put her back. I love how she'll stay there with me). And nothing much bigger than an arm, please. :p

Available tanks:
2 ten gallons
1 hexagonal 5 gallon
Water dragons or Bearded dragons are lovely and can be handled, as can Blue-tongues but Blueys stink. Not sure if these are available in your area though.
Would they be OK in a ten gallon?

Please remember, I've NEVER owned a lizard or anything remotely lizard-like (snakes and turtles, pretty much. XD) So nothing that requires a lot of mainteneance. I don't mind some, but if I have to gice it back massages it's a no-no.
you couldnt keep either of those 2 in a 10g tank
you would have to go for something like a leopard gecko.
what size if the hex tank? if its one of the ones thats about 18" tall you could keep something like a crestie in it :good:
Leopard geckos don't get too big and are somewhat easy to take care of.
i too would recommend a leopard gecko. A normal one, dont get one of the blizzard ones or the chocolate one, they tend ot have more calcium deficincies (sp?). Very little maintenance, just feeding a little everry day, changing the water every other day (every day if its hot) and cleaing the tank once a week.
yeah they can be. IME they take time to get used to someone, mine for example isnt happy being picked up, but i got him when i was younger and was scared. They're VERY fast when little, so take baby steps. Just putting your hand in the tank or something.

But my sisters gheckos, some of them love to be held, some of them bite. (not hard, little pin prick). t depends on the time and effort you put into them. As they get older, they arent as active ive found. Although he might be if he was more used to me handling him.

:) good luck. hope that helped
Water dragons or Bearded dragons

No where near low maintence...

in a 10 gallon, a house gecko or grass lizard.... a young corn can stay in a 10 gallon for awhile, but then needs to be upgraded to a 20 gallon

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