First Half-moon bettas

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Glad you liked the pic- I really should be doing something more constructive, I suppose, but I just couldn't help it! :*) And yeah, some workplaces have filters up to block images from certain sources, though I'm not sure why.

I thought F/F were brothers in a Wagner opera (though of course, being me, I can't remember the name of it).
Andie said:
I thought F/F were brothers in a Wagner opera (though of course, being me, I can't remember the name of it).

You get the door prize, the ring cycle is a series of four operas by Wagner, they appear mainly in Das Reingold, the first opera in the series. Fassolt and Fafner are brothers who are giants.


Here are two really lousy pictures of Fassolt and Fafner. Fafner has more red. This was done with my camera phone and the fish just won't stop moving, which is really a good thing, but annoying for the purpose of a photo shoot. Eventually, I will purchase a good digital camera, but this'll have to do for now, sorry to disappoint. My dog takes better pictures! I'll post a pic of her in the non fish forum and you can see a more adult picture than the one that is my avitar. In that picture, she's about 10 weeks old and posing with froggy, her favorite toy. Sorry, to digress, this is a betta board, not a Pomeranian board.

:p :S
Naughtygirlrlw said:
We love other animals too! She is a gorgeous lil' pup! :wub:

Thanks, she's my little sweetie pie!

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