First Guppy Breeding Tank

I would not suggest using a breeding net even if it is large, it stunts the frys growth and is stressful to the little fry. But using the net for a short period of time would be OK.
well, i know one of my lfs would pay good money for those, they r runnin outa fish and no one's givin em some.
well you do know that you will have to raise them for (i would say) at least 3-6 months before you can sell them, right? what are your plans for the dozens of batches of fry inbetween?
My LFS will give me credit for my fish, and my cichlids love guppies. My ideal scenario, howerver, is that i will have enough females giving birth that i will have some survivors who hide in plants, somewhat of a darwin tank. Anyone ever had any luck setting up a system like this?
How old do the fry have to be to be too large for adults to eat?

What is the most guppies i can safely house in my tank considering i have a filter rated for 40g?

i got a 15w plant light for my tank will that be enough for my plants to live?

Updated setup

i was just raising the question to be safe - many people start to breed livebearers and do not think about how long they will have to keep them before they can be's good that you at least plan on feeding some to your fish (as I do), so that you can always keep the count down if you have to.

my adult guppies never eat the fry...i let them all survive in the tank with their parents until around 2 months in age, when i can move them to my community tank with minimal risk of being eaten...

i wouldn't have more than 10-15 full grown guppies in your tank at any given time...keep in mind you should seperate the sexes or you will have exponentially more babies!

and the 15 watt light will grow some low light plants (java moss, java fern, etc) but you really should consider upgrade to at least 40-50 watts so that you can have close to 2 watts per gallon.
i was just raising the question to be safe - many people start to breed livebearers and do not think about how long they will have to keep them before they can be's good that you at least plan on feeding some to your fish (as I do), so that you can always keep the count down if you have to.
I got a 15 gallon that i plan to turn into a fry tank. One of the questions i have about this is what is the best way to transfer my fry from the breeding net in my 25 to the 15 fry tank? I have a female who is ready to give birth to my first batch of fry soon.
my adult guppies never eat the fry...i let them all survive in the tank with their parents until around 2 months in age, when i can move them to my community tank with minimal risk of being eaten...
Does this mean u have the female isolated from other guppies or in a seperate tank?
and the 15 watt light will grow some low light plants (java moss, java fern, etc) but you really should consider upgrade to at least 40-50 watts so that you can have close to 2 watts per gallon.
I looked into this today and was quite aggrivated with the high price of any equipment that would provide me with 50+ watts. The only fish store that had it had 65watt lamp fixtures for $99 :crazy: more than i spent on the whole tank. What i need is a 24 inch tank lamp. I plan to check Ebay and other online sources but as of now i moved my moss to the top of the tank and secured it to a tall rock structure.
I have a question that probably has nothing to do with this topic but i'm going to put it in here anyway :whistle:

When you have Guppy fry, do the develop all kinds of different colors or are they all the same color??? :dunno: Like if you have a green Guppy and it mates with an orange guppy will you get a mixture of green and orange or will they be all green or all orange :*) :dunno:

I have Swordtail fry and they all come into the same color and I was just wondering if the Guppy fry are more colorful like their parents.. They are pretty but the hubby won't let me get any of them :sad:

thanks for listening and hope you answer :D
It really depends on the genetics, but usually you will get a mixture. I had a yellow female, and an orange male, and I got a few GORGEOUS yellow and orange ones. Chances are you will get some that look a lot like the father, a few that mix the mother's and father's colors, a few girlies that look like their mother, and maybe a few that look totally unrelated. From hereiditary genes in the mother and father. :)

Hope this answers your question. :thumbs:

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