First Fish Ever

i had bought 4 guppies 2 years ago!

My girlfriend had a betta a year before that but he was short lived.
albino cories and sunset platy's

used to cycle my first tank :blush: :-(

platy's lasted until about a year ago though sadly died of TB aged 4 and a bit.
my first fish ever was a 18 inch koi, a tancho sanke to be exact :)

first tropical were neons.
we used to have guppies angels neons etc in our local canal (st helens nr liverpool, uk) because it was used in glass making or something so the water was always warm enough to support life really well. this was in the 70s and 80s i think
our first family fish was a commet gold fish won from the fair.
it was my mums, once a week it was put in the sink with untreated water while she scrubed down the tank, then it was plonked back in with the untreated water and no filter :crazy: , that fish was 10 when it went belly up about 25yrs ago.
a ryukin (calico) and a red cap oranda (Ember) who lived in a bowl for a week until they started gasping for air. When they started gasping my mom made an emergecy trip to get a ten gallon and one of those super old box sponge filters (anyone remember those little plastic boxes that you filled with carbon and floss? :lol:).

They lived for a good time after that, but I had probably ten goldies of various types in that 10 gallon and never did water changes (only topped off) so I think we can guess how that went. It's taken me this long - ten years - to get another goldfish.
My first fish was a betta that lasted for about 5 years
My first fish was a three spined stickleback that my brothers mate was gonna flush cos he got bored of it(he caught it in the river).Anyhoo my bro knew I liked that sort of stuff so he saved it.He lived in a simple basin in my back garden and I changed half the water every 2 weeks and fed him daily on spiders and earwigs I caught in my shed.I kept him from early spring right into late autumn but I set him free in the river because I wasnt allowed to bring him indoors and I was worried his little basin would freeze.

The nexy year I got a fully stocked six footer for my birthday(I was 6 I think).

This is what a male three spined stickleback looks like for anyone who doesnt know.


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