First Female Betta In... Well, Forever


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern USA
I walked into Petsmart with the intention of getting some more fishfood, and walked out with a brand new fishie cause she was just too cute, haha. I haven't taken care of a smaller tank in ages (7gallon hex), I'm used to my arowana and large cats. =P She's a nice change.

No idea on what different betta colorings are called, and she's probably a veiltail... right? But I find her adorable nonetheless. She's this peach-y coloring on her body, with red shot through with blue on her finnage and this awesome greenish bluish iridescence. Changes colors in every possible lighting, haha. And fair tempered, too! I haven't seen her flare at anything yet, though I've TRIED to get her to xP, and she just loves swimming up to the ghost shrimp to investigate, but they scare her off. Hahaha.


Examining a shell.


Iridescence! ^^


Her usual colors, haha.


Winey red.

Name ideas? She strikes me as a flower of some sort... Petunia for petite?
I have a female with much the same coloring..... but she has a dot in the center of her forehead. So, I call her India. Other than that, most of my girls are named after flowers. :wub:
Lovely female - poppy comes to mind
Thanks for all the compliments, she loves it. She keeps doing the happy betta dance whenever I look over to admire her beauty. :lol:

Poppy actually seems about right. :good: She's all sugary sweet, but psychadelic personality at the same time. Heh. Thanks guys!
Thanks for all the compliments, she loves it. She keeps doing the happy betta dance whenever I look over to admire her beauty. :lol:

Poppy actually seems about right. :good: She's all sugary sweet, but psychadelic personality at the same time. Heh. Thanks guys!

Thanks for showing us such a gorgeous bunch!! -Wendy :good:

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