well, the fish that are in their atm are 2 clown loaches, a angel fish and 2 mollies. but these came with the tank when i bought it. This weekend the angel and mollie are going to the lfs and im going to get some dwarf chiclids. rams and cokatoos and some appistos witht he clowns will look good.
The plants im not to sure off because they are all latin and ive forgtton the names but this is what i bougth http/www.aquatics-direct.co.uk/itemsview...p?ID=1118&type= not a bad selection and amount for £7.45 and they are all healthy
The driftwood i bought from my LFs its the Malpani driftwood, to prepare it i had it in a waterbutt for about 2-3 weeks and i boiled it and scrubbed it to kill all germs from water butt before putting it in my tank and no tannins have shown up yet (ive put in carbon too)
oooooooooooh and thanks for the comp on the clowns vixen
The tank looks nice and I'm sure it'll look even better when the sand's settled down.
I just have to comment though: clown loaches are not suitable for a 3ft tank, they will outgrow it. They also need to be in a group, they are one of the most social loaches.
its cleared up pretty well and no tannins so far also the plants have straitned out and is looking good.
Btw the person who mentioned about clowns? i know they are too big for the tank but they came with it. im prob gonna keep them untill they get a little bigger, there about 4 inches atm but i do understand they grow big