First Ever Betta!


Sep 19, 2005
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Hello all,

My Fav fish died today and my brother thought it would be a good idea to go into town and see what was new in the lfs. I had wanted to get a betta on thursday but it was gone when i went to get it :X The aquatics club have about 25 bettas in small jars up the back and i never noticed them untill today when my brother came over to me with a jar and said "Im buying this fish cos its ace" So i explained how i couldnt get him because blah blah blah ect and then the owner said that he had a betta box in the back and went and got it :huh: Its 3 boxed joint together made for bettas. Each part holds about 1~1.5G. He told me that they sold loads about 2 years ago and thats the last one that aint been sold. He said i could have it if i want it, so being scottish i aint gonna turn down something free :p I also thought the betta would rather live in a 1 gallon box than a 1liter jar? So with this i could have 3 bettas but i aint sure about keeping 3 next to each other? will they just flare up at each other? So the guy said ill give you a female for the middle compartment and you can get a male for the 3rd if you want. He told me that i can breed them too but i aint sure...

So today i got:
3 compartment Betta Box - Free
Male betta - £2 for members
Female betta - Free

Think Ive done ok here?

The guy said that the female is big with eggs and ready to breed if i want to. Today they have both been displaying to each other. Will the male make a nest or does there need to be something done befor he will make a nest? The 7 Gallon tanks almost done cycling so Should i put the male in the 7 gallon and float the female in a jar or will they do it in the box i have set up? Picks coming as soon as i can!

Any advice is welcome :)


Woah, nice findings. I wish the people at my lfs were nice. All I ever get are teenage workers who probably just work there to make extra cash after school, and they don't have a clue about fish, they just dole out BS answers to questions they get, and try to make you dole out extra cash


got a little off topic there. In short, yes you did manage to have great luck! congratulations, and my deepest condolences for contracting the incurable betta bug. There is a whole new world out there, and you will descover it in time. :D
I also thought the betta would rather live in a 1 gallon box than a 1liter jar? So with this i could have 3 bettas but i aint sure about keeping 3 next to each other? will they just flare up at each other? So the guy said ill give you a female for the middle compartment and you can get a male for the 3rd if you want. He told me that i can breed them too but i aint sure...

Its actually quite fun to watch the bettas when they are separated by some sort of a divider. Most of the time they'll not bother with eachother but sometimes they will swim up against the divider and flare up, trying to intimmidate the other.
Its actually quite fun to watch the bettas when they are separated by some sort of a divider. Most of the time they'll not bother with eachother but sometimes they will swim up against the divider and flare up, trying to intimmidate the other.

well the male is doing this to the female... its rather fun yeah :D is this good for them tho?

Advice I have read is five to ten minutes of flaring twice a day is good. More than that is stressful and too much falring can damage fins (unfortunately, this one I know first hand and not from reading).

With a male and a female, I guess it is different since we usually leave them side by side within view of each other for seven to ten days before breeding.
If you put a male and a female side by side or even two males... they wont be flaring all the time. They get used to having a fish beside them after a bit.

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