First Co2 System:


Aug 12, 2009
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Yes, before you ask, I have been through the forums many times before but this is my first time even considering CO2 and I don't understand anything when it comes to fire extinguishers or yeast. The whole thing seems pretty daunting to me.
I'm planning a new scape in my 75 gallon Juwel Rio. I love the lighting in rios; I've had a lot of growth in my 180, but I've only ever tried simple plants in it (vallis, anubias, java fern, amazon sword etc). But the 75 gal is going to be a congo biotope, with plants like C.calamistratum and Crinum natans. It's also downstairs in full view of the parents so I can't afford to be experimenting.
Will I definitely need CO2 for successful growth? And if so, can you guys break down the ideal system for me in terms of cost and practicality. I've seen lots of 'start up' kits in my LFS, but they seem super expensive... Cheers

Its hard to say whether or not you "need" co2 without knowing exactly whats plants you intend to grow, how you want them to grow, how much extra work your willing to put in (ferts and big water changes) what lighting you have and what your trying to achieve.
Give this a read as this is pretty much the cheapest way to inject co2 and it will break down exactly whats involved.
If your still interested after reading this then let us know and well go from there

Other than pressurized their's carbon, which will still require macro and micro ferts imo. Carbon will give you good results, not as good as pressurised tho. Carbon is cheaper in the short run but more expensive in the long run. Co2 is expensive to start out but a lot cheaper in the long run.
Thanks! I have read through your summary post before. I went through it again and everything seemed a bit clearer. I've used liquid carbon on my other planted tanks before and it was pretty expensive long term. I guess I need to plan everything out a bit more carefully before I look at CO2 again. I just want the best growth I can get although my money's limited.
Llegmore said:
Thanks! I have read through your summary post before. I went through it again and everything seemed a bit clearer. I've used liquid carbon on my other planted tanks before and it was pretty expensive long term. I guess I need to plan everything out a bit more carefully before I look at CO2 again. I just want the best growth I can get although my money's limited.
You wont get better growth than pressirised co2:)
I'm sure I'll be back for more advice sometime. It's the initial large cost that I struggle with.
Ive got a dual gauge valve with solenoid n bubble counter watched on a well known site that is £50 inc delivery. Atomizer & fire extinguisher & co2 airline is all you need to add.

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