First Attempt Planted Tank

Time for an update!

Hairgrass is really starting to take off! Little shoots sprouting everywhere! really need to find something to divide the substrate.. any ideas!?

Staurogyne has taken off and pearls daily, I think that I have two types of Staurogyne as the ones I planted towards the back are growing differently to the one I planted in front of the crypts.

Considering moving all the Staurogyne in front of the crypts as they are growing too large.

Pretty happy with the progress, probably getting about a new leaf a week with my anubias. Needleleaf is pretty slow! Still only have the 4 danio in the tank. Will get more stock soon.
Hi Guys

Seem to be suffering from BBA really bad. Infected my wood, java fern and anubias. I increased my CO2 as it apparently helps. I was going to spot dose Excel during my next water change. (I presume that means to literally squirt it on the algae?) It has not affected my Crypts, Staurogyne or Hairgrass.

Should I cut all the leaves off the Java fern leaving only the rhizome?
Should I try dunking the anubias in a diluted bleach?

Hopefully I can salvage some of these plants as they were not cheap!
Could I convert this from high tech to low tech?

Is that possible? All the plants are slow growing, I could cut back to one tube 6700k 24w?
Dose something like TPN+ once a week, excel daily?

Obviously I will try to clear up the algae first. Does it sound a bit crazy? All the plants are low tech, I never seemed to have problems with my low tech tank. I have already battled Blue Green Algae in this one.

Opinions appreciated !!

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