First Attempt at Planting

I Like Rare Fish

Fish Herder
2x Pet of the Month 🎖️
Apr 15, 2021
Reaction score
Southern California, USA
Hi, this is my first attempt at a planted tank. I am no beginner, but new to planted tanks. I have a average light, and less-than-desirable substrate. Substrate is black Diamond sand. I have been warned it’s not great, but I decided to take the chance. I got a few Anubias and Java Fern which I stuck to lava rock and driftwood, and then I got a few Vallisneria, which was bought as Jungle Val, but I’m starting to suspect it’s Vallisneria Spiralis. I also got some kind of Rotala. I root tabs as per the plants needs. Do I need to put the tabs in now? The tank is 90g with 8’ square bottom, hence my decision of Vallisneria. Hope you like it!
Good luck on your plan journey! Nice tank. What fish are you going to put in there?
What's the pipework in there?
It looks like a trickle filter was attached to the tank at one time and that has been removed and the return pipes are going into undergravel filter uplift tubes?
It is actually an Fx5. Instead of having the outtake go out in one straight line, spreading the sand super far apart, I made a contraption that spreads the water throughout 4 PVC pipes. There are roughly 64 holes in the pipes, and it works very well. There are no holes on the caps, which is the only part that goes into the sand.
I have some vals growing in a neutral sand, ie inert, on one of my tanks without any fertilizers of any sort, between them and the java fern I am throwing away plants monthly as they spread. I think you can survive without fertilizing those plants.

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