First Aquascaping Project :)

Yeah i love the look of carpets.. but i would be a bit apprehensive about the upkeep and maintenance etc, considering ive never had a planted tank before. Any ideas on what to use for caves for plecs ? My boyfriend wants to build a cave out of the slate... :crazy: but i just don't know lol.. it might look quite natural.. then again it might not :fun:
Coconut... :D

Slate caves can look good, i made one once. Gave it to a friend in the end as i no longer had use for it.
Coconut... :D

Slate caves can look good, i made one once. Gave it to a friend in the end as i no longer had use for it.

Okay i will let the bf loose on the slate once its sunk my wood :).. did you just use aquarium safe silicone to keep it together? Sorry seems like silly questions.. but don't want any squashed fishies :look:

Fishless Cycle has finally finished & my redmoor root has finally sunk :good:

So far i've added

2x anubias nana
1x bunch of green cabomba
1x Bogwood half covered with java moss (awaiting more to arrive)
1x slate covered with monosolenium tenerum
2x coconut caves
1x pipes (its actually 3 pipes)
1x mopani wood






I've ordered some straight Vallis to run along the back & some mixed crypts

Any comments/ideas/suggestions greatly appreciated..

Thankyou :good:
I've added some straight vallis (fingers crossed it survives without pressurized co2 :()..
Covered the bogwood and coconut caves in moss (not very healthy looking moss but hopefully it will sort itself out :S)
Added some mixed crypts :)

Sorry the photo's are a bit blurry.. :blush:






Great start :good:

Now get some moss all over that wood!!! :cool: B-) :cool:
Looking good, but that stuck-on background has to go! Plain black is the way forward - shows off greens lovely while helping appliances in the tank be less visible
This is looking really good, may I suggest some moss over a few branches of the red moor and maybe some more individual plants like Sagittaria subulata (Dwarf Grass) This would look great then.
But congrats so far Vallis is looking brill :D
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Great wood and a beautiful hardscape. Well done! The anubias and vallis look great too. I wonder why you are afraid they wouldn't grow without pressurised CO2? I never had vallis with CO2 and it grew well.

To accentuate the wood, I would choose 1 plant that you plant all around it at the base. It doesn't have to be a carpeting plant, but I would choose something that stays rather small. Could be a dwarf sag; this is not a too demanding plant and its larger brother grows fantastic without ferts.
Thanks for all the constructive comments.. I'm definately going to take them all into consideration :)! I will eventually change the background to black .. going to leave it as is for a while.

Thanks guys :).. I'll update when any changes have been made :good:

Thanks for all the constructive comments.. I'm definately going to take them all into consideration :)! I will eventually change the background to black .. going to leave it as is for a while.

Thanks guys :).. I'll update when any changes have been made :good:

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