First 2


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2009
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Yay i just got my first plecs and i dont know why one wont come out of my log he bearly comes out when ever i got to my tank he hurries extrimley fast to get in the house i saw him charge well... not charge more like scare him he is bigger than my other i also tried feeding him some poatatos and he didnt even come over to check it out he stayed in the little compartment any ideas why he is doing this ik they are noctornal im getting worried..... :huh:
Just give him some time to settle in. I don't know if potatoes are good - try cucumber and sinking pellets. Sometimes fish takes days or weeks to settle in and become active.
Haha :lol: ok poatatos are ok. one is already settled in so im happy one will live not so sure about mr.shy there :hyper:
What species are they?

Plecs will often hide, some species are very rarely seen and the running/scurrying away when you go by the tank is natural.
Haha :lol: ok poatatos are ok. one is already settled in so im happy one will live not so sure about mr.shy there :hyper:
They may be 2 different species. Some plecs are nocturnal and hide /sleep all day . My L001 does this.A photo of your plecs would help in identifying them so their correct diet and habits can be confirmed.
Im not sure? i wish i could get pics it was hard getting them out of the bag... they have huge mouths when they suck in glass about a cm wide they are only a inch and a half...
Ok i just found out they is a rubber nose plec =D so CUTE :drool:

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