Firemouths Acting Funny


Fish Crazy
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Portsmouth UK

I just sat and watched my tank for a you do.......and noticed that my firemouths are acting funny.
One is now really deep red on the belly and throat, and waggles itself infront of the other, side on, and has its throat and gills blown out like a bullfrog.
Im not sure what sex they are, so i assume its either courtship with a male and female OR its two males having a territorial spat. The one thats doing all the waggling and puffing out gets a nip or is chased away by the other, but the other does not persue it.

Any ideas people. At least any sexing information would help. Are these fish better kept in pairs, threes, group?

Theyre about 3 inches long if that helps, had them about 2 months from LFS.
Male Fire Mouths will have a longer dorsal fin then a female. The one doing all the acting out is probbably a male trying to get the other fire mouth to decied to breed with him.
My firemouth flares the red gills when other fish get too close. It's almost like when a dog growls if threatend.

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