Firemouth Numbers


Fish Addict
Feb 4, 2007
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Thinking about adding some firemouths to finish off my cichlid tank...
Was thinking about getting 4, to balance out with my 4 rainbow cichlids. Just wondering if there's any particular reason they would be happier as a group of 4, or do better just as a pair. Problem is I can only get babies and they are virtually impossible to sex.
Other fish they are sharing with would be are four rainbows, two blue acaras (who are big wimps), an angel and two kribs + dither fish and bottom feeders. Its a 450 litre tank.
There is a good chance of them breeding, but having other fish in the tank with a breeding pair can be dangerous. I only know this because I had this issue. The firemouths get extremely nasty once they have found a proper breeding place, and all the other fish will be secluded to a corner. There is also a good chance that they won't pair off and breed. I have a couple of firemouths with two blue acaras, a jack dempsey, and a salvini and everyone is quite happy.
So as usual when it comes to cichlids...its all a bit of a gamble
yeah my firemouths used to try and attack me throu the glass lol
The group as a whole do like to be in shoals, and it's fairly easy to breed them, resulting in a marked increase in aggression for a relatively placid fish otherwise. The aggression, when it starts, is quite marked and frequently fatal, unlike some of the more minor bullying you see from the South American cichlids of similar sizes, so do be aware and have a planned escape tank option. Although they dig like crazy in the build up to breeding, so they're not subtle about it.
Hmm, so Dr. Robb you think it would be a good idea to get 4 or not?
Imho opinion it would be best to get a pair, but if you only can get jubveniles, take 4 and hope for the best.
Btw, how are those rainbows doing, can you see any sex yet?
My rainbows? I've definitely got two females and two males. Two are slightly bigger, much more vibrant in colour and their dorsal tips are slightly elongated. They are probably about 7-8cm from nose to tail. One male seems to be slightly more colourful and dominant. But these guys are amazing, they all shoal together all over the tank. No aggression towards each other or towards any tankmates whatsoever (as yet). I've noticed the dominant male following one of the females around a bit, but no obvious spawning behaviour as yet. I need to get the tank planted up a bit more for them I think, its a bit bare at the moment and they've got nowhere to get comfortable.
I love the rainbows though, I would recommend them to anyone looking for a brightly coloured, even-tempered cichlid. To be fair though, as juvies they really not all that exciting to look at, quite drab. But once they start turning that golden yellow with orange in the caudal fin and get the vibrant blue tips on the finnage - you won't regret it!
I think I will go with four firemouths. All the ones in my LFS's are tiny and I have read they are quite slow growers too.

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