Firemouth/convict Question


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
could i put a firemouth or convict in a planted 29 gallon or a 35 gallon non planted?

if so wut other fish would be ok with them?

i would prefer if i could put the firemouth or convict in the 29 g(planted) but if not possible im willing to put them in the 35 gallon, thats IF they can be put in either of these tanks

thanks in advance
If I understand right the 29gal is planted and 35 isnt?

You can put a pair of cons OR fire mouths in the 29 but they may uproot the plants.
But it would be better to put a pair of cons OR fire mouths in te 35 since they would have a bit more room and you woudnt have dead\uprooted plants.
You could also get a pair of angels for the 29 or 35 or you can make either tank a dawrf cichlid community.
ok that sounds good but i read that most cichlids are agressive

the only one ive seen thats a community fish is the keyhole cichlid

is there ne other communty cichlids cuz i wannna put 1 or 2 cichlids in a community tank(either 29 or 35) with sum other fish which i have not chosen yet :rolleyes:

my fire mouth are in my community tank and dont up root the plants

they have eaten 1 neon tetra thou mind they just play with each other all day
U can go for rams, apistos, angelfish, checkerboard, and keyholes. I think there are more but can remeber at the mo
Ive heard you can put convicts with angelfish (never done it)
And there someone on TFF that put firemouths in there community an there doin fine
You could put a servum int with them but the are kind of large
I would stay away from convicts if you want to put other things in there with them, but it you wanna breed cichlids they are the way to go

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