Firemouth Cichlid


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2011
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HI i got 3 firemouth cichlids today 2 are fine but one is sitting at the bottom of the tank and heavy breathing.I acclimated like I all ways do.ill post a video sorry for the quality

ive put my air pump in to get more oxygen
I'd switch the light off, and leave them in peace for a couple of days and see how it goes, it could be just very stressed out from the move. Keep the tank as dark and quiet as possible (put a towel over it if there's a light on in the room) and hopefully they'll settle in. Do you know what the pH difference was from the shop and your tank?
I dont no the ph difference

do you think it has swim bladder or maybe its spine or tail is broke. here is another video

I think it may have been doing that before i got it but not sure

i see it trying to eat
It's a bit difficult to see, but it looks like it's breathing really heavily, definitely struggling to swim too. I don't think it's spine or tail is broken, and I would expect it to be struggling more if it had swim bladder problems? It's so important to watch fish for a good while before buying- I've lost count of the times I've bought injured/sick fish when I joined the hobby because I did't take the time to study them long enough. Is there any way you can separate him to a hospital tank? Is he showing any other symptoms? Has he got a sunken belly, is his colour good, etc? Where any of the other fish in his tank in the shop struggling too? Just in case, have you checked your tanks stats to make sure they're all within safe ranges? The more info you can give the better :)

Hope he improves soon!

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