Firemouth And Kribensis


Sep 21, 2011
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Hey guys, just a quick question.

I have a 44G tank, and was wondering if a pair of kribensis and a pair of firemouths would get along alright. I'm not relly fussed if the firemouth are m/f, I just want 2 of them.
As for the kribs, i already have a mating pair.

Any help would be great.
Thanks in advance :)
While i've only owned Kribs i cant really say for sure about the FMs, i would say give it a go, if it doesnt work out, make sure you can rehome them of the fish shop will happily take them back.
Thanks for your reply Tizer.

I have another tank I could rehome them in, but would love it if they get along nicely.

Also, this may be a stupid question, but do you think the firemouths would get along with decent sized tiger barbs?
I have my kribs with tiger barbs at the moment, and I think I have the most peaceful tiger barbs in Australia lol.
Pretty sure FMs can hold their own against Tigers but someone else would probably be able to tell you for sure.
Hey guys, just a quick question.

I have a 44G tank, and was wondering if a pair of kribensis and a pair of firemouths would get along alright. I'm not relly fussed if the firemouth are m/f, I just want 2 of them.
As for the kribs, i already have a mating pair.

Any help would be great.
Thanks in advance :)

I was thinking about doing the same sort of mixture in a 4ft with f1 firemouths, yeah it could work, I know kribs can be a bit nasty when breeding and could take down a firemouth, but since it will have enough space, it should work

Tigers and Firemouths should work too.
Pretty sure FMs can hold their own against Tigers but someone else would probably be able to tell you for sure.
I was thinking about doing the same sort of mixture in a 4ft with f1 firemouths, yeah it could work, I know kribs can be a bit nasty when breeding and could take down a firemouth, but since it will have enough space, it should work
Tigers and Firemouths should work too.

Well this is just the best news I've had all day! How exciting. I know the kribs can get real agressive. Mine have bred once, for the first time, already. They weren't too bad to be honest. But I'm sure that can change.
But as you said Snake, they have adequate space, so hopefully they will stay out of each others way!

Also, large Sterbai cory's, would they be okay with this mix. I have them with my kribs and tigers, and they're not getting picked on. I kept a particular eye on them when the kribs were breeding. They just learned to stay out of the way.
i wouldnt every put corys in a Tiger tank, been there, done that, they all had their dorsal fins nipped off and have only just fully grown back :)
i wouldnt every put corys in a Tiger tank, been there, done that, they all had their dorsal fins nipped off and have only just fully grown back

Oh really!? I've never seen my tiger barbs go near the cory's. The only time I've seen them picked on is by the kribs during breeding. And even then, they just learnt to keep out of their way. I just checked all of them, and their fins are fine. No shredding or bits missing at all.

So far, my tigers have stuck to themselves. Occasionally they check out the platies and if they get too nosy the platies tell em to get lost.

I will definately keep an eye on the tiger/cory situation. Thanks for the heads up!
I would not mix Corydoras with Kribs or Tiger Barbs, nipped fins and pecked out eyes spring to mind, even when the Kribs are not breeding.
i'd go with that too, although i had a lot of corys in with my Kribs at the time i half expected to find dead corys. Better safe than sorry really.
Hey guys, just another thought.
How would Firemouths go with Platies, Hengle Rasbora and Black Neons? Basically just curious if the FM's will be aggresive towards them as I doubt any of these guys would bother the FM's?

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