

Fish Herder
Apr 26, 2004
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Central Coast, NSW Australia
These were taken today by my Dad from my Grandparent's house. I wasnt there to see it because i was at work lol.

The temperature today got to around 46 degrees C so it wasnt surprising that this massive fire started!

This is what it looked like when it started...

And this is what it turned into...

An interesting comparison to the pictures of snow some people have posted on here :p
We've had so many fires here in Texas this past month, it's insane how fast they spread when the conditions are right :-(

Nice pics though :nod: It reminds me of earlier this year- we were on our way to the zoo downtown and there was a huge plant explosion nearby- the flames and smoke were unbelievable.
woaahhh luckily we dont get those over here good thing it was near a pond

Yeah we get them a lot cos its so dry here. This fire i think wiped out a few houses and there were some evacuations as well. There may have been other fires elsewhere.

And its not exactly a pond, but i very large body of water that connects to the sea. Those trees that are in the water are mangroves. I guess you could say its a brackish environment :p
i saw about that on the news, terrible what happened to some people there :no:

Good pics though, you could make some money buy selling them to a news station :nod:
AWESOME shots :nod:

There may have been other fires elsewhere.

Yeah...we had fires up north from you in Newcastle. On Sunday I heard that there were fires near my work (John Hunter Hospital) and kinda (in a sick way) hoped that my lab would be burnt :p. Then when we went back to work on Tuesday none of us could believe how close it got to the main the only thing separating it from the building was the road!!!!

Apparently they didn't want to evacuate the hospital until it actually HIT the building since it was 44degC that day.
AWESOME shots :nod:

There may have been other fires elsewhere.

Yeah...we had fires up north from you in Newcastle. On Sunday I heard that there were fires near my work (John Hunter Hospital) and kinda (in a sick way) hoped that my lab would be burnt :p. Then when we went back to work on Tuesday none of us could believe how close it got to the main the only thing separating it from the building was the road!!!!

Apparently they didn't want to evacuate the hospital until it actually HIT the building since it was 44degC that day.

oh i didnt realise they were up at Newie as well! wow thats pretty scary though.

hehe yeah it was about 44 here too, i over exagerrated a bit by saying it was like 46. it felt hotter than 44 ok!
We've had so many fires here in Texas this past month, it's insane how fast they spread when the conditions are right :-(

Nice pics though :nod: It reminds me of earlier this year- we were on our way to the zoo downtown and there was a huge plant explosion nearby- the flames and smoke were unbelievable.

Cheers for the word of warning, I fly out to Dallas Texas in February and going to family in Ft Worth for a week (well truthfully, im off to a place near Tampa, FL first for a wedding of family there, then off to Ft Worth. So should I pack a medical mask to remove the smell of burning? lol

Its going to be great though, February is typically the coldest month in Britain IMHO.

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