Fire Shrimp

Aqua Tom

Fish Gatherer
Oct 19, 2010
Reaction score
Planet Earth
I was in my local LFS today & he had "Fire Shrimp" for £22. Now i dont know if thats a good price but these guys are nutters, bright red & white, whilst also being fairly hefty for a shrimp. He had two in a tank so I peered closeley & one ran over waving its pincers in a "what u looking at" way. I thought it was absolutley amazing.
I was in my local LFS today & he had "Fire Shrimp" for £22. Now i dont know if thats a good price but these guys are nutters, bright red & white, whilst also being fairly hefty for a shrimp. He had two in a tank so I peered closeley & one ran over waving its pincers in a "what u looking at" way. I thought it was absolutley amazing.

I take it these are Marine?

the only Freshwater "fireshrimp, i have come across, is a Mexican Dwarf Cray. illegal in the UK.
My partners dad has a fire shrimp as well :) he only ever comes out when he is being fed... He is like a mini whirlwind, comes out, runs about and is gone again
Are these not Crystal Red Shrimp

lol CRS don't have pincers.

Real common name is blood shrimp or red fire shrimp, chunky little feller, saltwater (marine only this one) £18-25 is about right, size deep colour etc

Easy to keep eats chunks or scavenges and hides a lot, impressive when out thou, norm at feeding-time or night

Not sure computability thou,,, not with mantis or boxer for sure as they attack others

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