Fire-Mouth Cichlid Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 18, 2007
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So today I just found out one of my fire-mouth cichlid is a mother! Today I see a couple of eggs on a rock, and at first I dine knew what the eggs where but I had a hunch That hey were eggs so I put my hands in the aquarium and lift the rock and the mother started to get angry with yeah they are indeed eggs! So how many days will the eggs will be hatch? Also some of the eggs are pure white while the rest are translucent grey color, what do they mean?
So today I just found out one of my fire-mouth cichlid is a mother! Today I see a couple of eggs on a rock, and at first I dine knew what the eggs where but I had a hunch That hey were eggs so I put my hands in the aquarium and lift the rock and the mother started to get angry with yeah they are indeed eggs! So how many days will the eggs will be hatch? Also some of the eggs are pure white while the rest are translucent grey color, what do they mean?

Rams eggs hatch in a couple of days, so I'd expect similar for firemouths. Maybe the difference in colour is different development of the embryo or unfertilised eggs
I hope some of the eggs hatch! Can someone else pitch in and provide more info about this species egg care and tell me about the egg color meaning? I notice more of the eggs are turning white or maybe rear is a possibility of eggs being eating :[
white eggs are unfertalised and could well be eaten by the parents. if not then try to remove them as they can develop fungus on them which can spread onto the decent eggs.

the parents may well end up eating the eggs any way as they need to learn all about whats going on. my angels took about 5-6 attempts before getting it...... then there is also the chance of other fish eating the eggs like catfish, plecos and loaches that are heavilly armoured or just too fast for the parents to defend against.

ideally if you want to raise the eggs then place them in a seperate tank or plastic container and run an airstone over them to keep the water moving around them and hopefully preventing fungus attacking the good eggs. its not easy but worth it if you have a plan for the juvis that you will grow up. alternatively have plenty of grassy planted hide outs for the fry to hang out in to try to stop them getting eaten by tank mates.
Don't expect to have any fish alive from the first batch of eggs!
They become better parents as time goes on.
My firemouthes first batch hatched about 30, they lived for a few days.
Second time around about a month on and I have 3 still living.
Im guessing on the third try even more will make it.
They have to learn to be good parents! :)
Ok good to hear!
I notice this morning before I left to school, most of the eggs are gone and he rest of the remaining eggs turn white...I hope heir next batch will be fine! :]
oh do you think if the minnow feeders are a possible suspect of eating the eggs? That the only fish I have in the aquarium and my reeves turtle all reside in the 50 gallon aquarium with the fire mouth cichlids..

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