Fire Eel

Fish milk

New Member
Nov 6, 2004
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Can any one tell me any thing about fire eels (apart from they grow big) can't find out much about them? will they get on with an oscar? Thanks
I beleive they will get along with an oscar, as long as the oscar isn't overly agressive. I would warn you however to not get this fish unless you're prepared to possibly have to feed it live food.

I have a peacock eel, which is in the same family as the fire eel. He won't eat anything but live food. I"ve tried every type of frozen food. The only one he'll even try is the frozen blood worms. He'll suck them up and then spit them back out again. Its not that much of a pain to feed live food, but it is a pain if you have to drive a half hour to get it like i do. I only feed him 3 times a week though, and he seems to be doing fine. Some people say they are able to switch them over to frozen food after feeding live food for a long time. I haven't had any luck yet.
I have had my fire eel for about 16 months and he lives with a 10inch oscar, birchir, tyre track eel and a shovelnose cat. Threy all get along fine and he has always eatenb frozen food. despite hhis size he doesn't eat the frozen lance fish I feed the others and just eats bloodworm and brine shrimp. He squite boisterous and try's to nick food from the oscar so no worries there
Thanks I decided to buy him/her. There seems to be no problems with the oscar so far, the oscar just chases the silver dollars. He was eating blood worm and sinking pellets at the shop so I decided to risk it. He is beatiful when he can be seen but tends to hide in the plants and under the rocks at the moment, hope he gets used to us soon.

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