Fire Eel Not Eating?


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
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Hi i got my partner a fire eel a gew weeks ago.. the guy at the shop said hes been feeding him blood worms.
I've tried giving him just that but nothing, iv tried frozen shrimp, everything.. should i try frozen fish??? im going to get some muscles and fish this afternoon.
How big is the eel? How big is the tank? What other fish are in the tank?
You could also try (small) cleaned garden worms. I found these help fire-eels to start feeding happily. Personally I also used to use a tube that I could deliver bloodworms right to his mouth rather than letting them swirl around the tank and get eaten by all the other fish.

hellooo, well the fish tank in dimentions * roughly * is 150cm long, not sure about the depth but its really quite high... i know one of the problems aswell i had parrot, and guarami fish in there. so iv removed them straight away, so now thats left is a couple of tetras and heros severum. the severum doesnt really eat what i put in he just munches on his peas and flake... on the odd occasion hel have a prawn.
the fire eel id roughly say hes about 9inch maybe a little longer.
iv been told to put sand in my tank because apparently the eels get unhappy so maybe thats why hes not eating?
Ok at 9" he is a real baby. He will not compete for food very well at that size so you may need to target feed with a turkey baster.

Do you have hiding places for him? A pipe with a 3" diameter will be fine for a while. Fire eels need to feel safe and secure. Plenty of wood and plant cover will help too.

Sand will certainly be better for him.

You know how big they get? Chances are you are going to need a bigger tank.
yup iv got alot of hidy places,plants and wood however he still always inbetween the filter and heater...
I;ve known fire eels just to refuse to eat and not take anything and waste away but saying that its rare they refuse an earthworm, thers a seller on ebay who sells them I used to get them for a fussy fire eel
ah, would you know who it is?? i could have a butchers and order some then
My link

First post for me, a year late having just noticed the date.

My Fire Eel eats almost exclusively live Freshwater Shrimps, kept in a separate cold tank (Use them for my BGK as well occasionally, now he is big enough - separate tank to Eel before anyone says it...), he will also on RARE occasions take bloodworm, redworms from the garden and turkey heart if my local stockist has no stock in which doesnt happen often. I have had him five years and he is as fit as a fiddle.

He has always got on with other fish including a Peacock Eel and a Tyre Track Eel (separate tanks now) as well as shoals of miscellaneous Barbs including my pride and joy shoal of Chequer Barbs which he lives happily with now.

The video was taken a couple of years ago (on an old mobile phone, excuse quality), the day before I moved house, there are a couple of tanks worth of fish in this as the main tanks were getting ready in the new house, yes it needed a really good clean but at the time it was sufficient while I went through the house moving palava, it is just my play tank with some barbs and a sick looking Silver Shark I was healing for a mate (I kept him he is now seven inches long and has filled out).

He is my second Fire eel, the first sadly died after (four years) getting stuck in the finger hole of the filter lid head first, I was mortified and will NEVER make that mistake again, make sure they cant get out or stuck as they will try when new in a tank or in an exploring mood.

Eventually they will eat whatever they are given when they get hungry enough (im not suggesting starving it just try different things over time), eels are scavengers, but can be fussy, dont spoil them early and they will come round. Mine takes shrimps by hand or in tweezers or if I fancy it, just let him stalk a few in peace which is as much fun to watch as hand feeding them, there is something satisfying about his goofy serpentine hunting style and the way he pops out from cover for a look around.

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