Fire Eel Help!


Fish Crazy
Feb 15, 2009
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when I fed my eel he bites me but i think he taste the kill on my hand and i wish he would stop. how do i get him to stop? he is not leaving a bite mark.
when I fed my eel he bites me but i think he taste the kill on my hand and i wish he would stop. how do i get him to stop?
Don't feed him by hand.
lol :)
sorry but that is funny.
It reminds me of a small wobbegong (carpet shark) we had in the shop. We used to feed it by tapping on the coverglass and then dropping a whitebait into the tank. The shark would swim up to the top of the tank and lunge out of the water to grab the whitebait.
A kid was in the shop one day and he was tapping on all the tanks and opening the covers. We told him not to on a number of occasions but he ignored us. Systematically he went up and down the rows of tanks tapping and opening. He got to the second last tank in the shop (wobbegong tank), tapped on the glass, opened the covers and stuck his finger in.
A moment later he was standing next to his mum by the counter and a pool of blood was forming around his feet. His mum asked what he did and he said nothing. We looked and asked if he stuck his finger in the end tank and he nodded yes. We gave him a couple of tissues and bandaged his finger up. His mum told him off for stuffing around with the tanks. He only had 4 little puncture marks but he bled and learnt a lesson.
:lol: my fire eel did that last time but i didn't mind much. it was fun watching it swim through your fingers and around your hand finding that cube of bloodworm

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