fire eel feeding

when i do use worms i dig em up give them a rinse then serve them up.

i also take worms out of the pond filters, there basically earthworms but alot smaller.
i also just rinse and feed. None of my eels have ever gotten sick from earthworms. I guess if you have no chemicals like poisons or fertiliser in the soil all should be fine.
luckily in south africa we have very little trouble with chemicals and such in the soil. I once used normal garden soil covered with a 3cm layer of sand as a nutrient rich substrate in a tank the fish lived happily and the plants grew like crazy.
i'm having some success hand feeding now by holding the cube as far into my palm as i can and just leaving enough room for the eel to wriggle in to get the bloodworms. My neighbours just sprayed his garden with some kinda pesticide so earthworms are out at the moment, but am going to try at my parents place at the weekend, see if i can collect a few

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